Country: Brazil
Year: 1965

The arrival of a young priest shakes up the reactionary atid conservative atmosphere of a village in Minas Gerais. The bigots begin to gossip and the sufferings of the inhabitants of the town come to the surface. The young priest and a beautiful young woman feel a reciprocal attraction and it soon becomes a true, unchained passion.

"I picked out this theme because of the poetry of Carlos Drummond de Andrade. In it I found the problem of the person who suffers a process of inhibition in his relationships with other people. The theme of the film is only one of the many connotations that one can find in his poetry. I find that it is very important to discuss the value in life that relationships among people have. Examples of this are the relationship of a man with a woman, or of a person with various other people, or of a man with a group, or of a man with society. I find that today almost everyone suffers from the inhibition of these relationships. The priest in this films is someone who struggles against a castrating ideology, which is made concrete in the cassock that he wears. The priest in the poetry is far away from being the priest in my film. He is another priest, a weighty priest, a stallion of God. However, the image of a priest with a young woman offered me, through the fictive medium, the material for my film." (Joaquim Pedro de Andrade)


film director

Joaquim Pedro de Andrade


& Credits

Director and screenplay: Joaquim Pedro de Andrade.
Plot: dal pomea di Carlos Drummond de Andrade.
Director of photography: Mário Carneiro.
Art director: Carlos Hamilton.
Editor: Eduardo Escorel, Joaquim Pedro de Andrade.
Music: Carlos Lyra.
Cast: Paulo José, Helena Ignéz, Fauzi Arap, Mário Lago, Rosa Sandrini, Luiz Jasmin, Lucia Pinto.
Production company: Joaquim Pedro de Andrade, Luiz Carlos Barreto.