Matching Shots 1998



Country: Italy
Year: 1998
Duration: 8'30"

Salvador de Bahia. A night in the streets of a real city that is fascinating, hard, very rich and very poor. We meet young boys who sell themselves to foreign tourists for a handful of reals. In an old run-down house in Pelouricho, Josias is preparing to go out.

"The experience of the video with the Mau Mau gave me the idea of making In the Forbidden City, which was shot in Salvador de Bahia in November, 1997" (A. Majoli, G. Vella).


film director

Alex Majoli

Alex Majoli (Ravenna, 1971) is a photographer who began his activity in 1985 when he took on socially-oriented news reports. He has worked intensively on the theme of psychiatry in the world and has joined in the struggle against insane asylums. He has keep up on the social conditions in Brazil for years. At the same time he carries on a great deal of photographic work in the musical field and has made several rock videos, including Elsorado for the Mau Mau and Centomila for Gianna Nannini. He has been president of the agency, Magnum, since 1996.

Giovanni Vella

Giovanni Vella is a camera person. He began his professional activity with Alex Majoli. He did several documentary reports with him focusing on social issues, including those done in Brazil and Albania. He then worked in the field of music, making various films on film and rock videos.


& Credits

Regia, soggetto, sceneggiatura, fotografia: Alex Majoli, Giovanni Vella. Supervision: Luca Morino.
Editor: Mauro Pieri.
Music: Mau Mau.
Production company: Rabel Musical, via Molini della Barca 71, 10091 Collegno (TO), Italy, tel. e fax +39-11-9591737.