Proposals 1995

Ubalda e le sue sorelle. Vent'annI di cinema "decamerotico"


Country: Italy
Year: 1995
Duration: 15'

Fragments from the Boccacciolike strain in film curated by Mariano Laurenti. There are the first two from 1972, La bell'Antonia prima monica e poi dimonia and the cult film, Quel gran pezzo dell'Ubalda tutta nuda e tutta calda. There is Chiavi in mano, the last production of Luciano Martino. There are the frontiers of reality, 1995, which are the last attempts to resuscitate that "Decameronlike," strain in film a bit naive and indulgent after more than twenty years. This is a fifteenminute span dedicated to showing decades of "in"-differences in this particular cinema of the body.


film director

Monica Repetto

(Rome, Italy, 1965), a graduate in psychology, in the early 1990s started working as a movie critic before entering the world of cinema. In 2011, she created and curated the launch of On The Docks, the first Italian platform for on-demand videos dedicated to reality cinema. An essayist and the author of works about film, she is one of the tutors of the Premio Zavattini. A prolific director, she has collaborated with Pietro Balla on the making of numerous documentaries, including ThyssenKrupp Blues (2008), which was presented at the Venice Film Festival.


Camerini ardenti. Primo tempo, dossier incompiuto su pornostar (senza sesso) (coregia Pietro Balla, doc, 1996), Amateurs (coregia Pietro Balla, cm, 1999), Amateurs 2 (coregia Pietro Balla, cm, 2000), Figurine (serie TV, doc, 2000), Umanoidi associati (coregia Pietro Balla, doc, 2000), Panico Jodorowsky (coregia Pietro Balla, doc, 2000), Dèrive Gallizio (doc, mm, 2001), Honduras Trip (doc, 2003), I popoli dell’Honduras (doc, 2004), L’avventurosa storia di Gola Profonda in Italia (doc, mm, 2005), La vera storia di Marianne Golz (coregia Pietro Balladoc, mm, 2007), Scatti di nera (coregia Pietro Balla, serie TV, 2007), Operai (co-diretto Pietro Balla, doc, mm, 2008), ThyssenKrupp Blues (coregia Pietro Balla, doc, 2008), Robocup (doc, 2009), La forza delle idee (coregia Pietro Balla, doc, 2010), Falck. Romanzo di uomini e fabbrica (coregia Pietro Balla, doc, mm, 2010), Milo Manara. Il gioco dell’avventura (doc, 2011), I racconti della Luna Veja (doc, 2012), 'O Rugbill (doc, cm, 2016), La foresta che ti strega (doc, 2018), I ragazi selvatici (doc, 2018), Il corpo dell'amore (coregia Pietro Balla, serie doc, 2019), Il guardiano di stambecchi (doc, 2020), 1974 1979. Le nostre idee (doc, 2020).


& Credits

Regia e ideazione: Monica Repetto.
Editor: Ivano Guido.
Production company: LP Libere Produzioni, via Ariosto 12, 20093 Cologno Monzese (MI), Italy, tel. +3902-58320102.