Tematiche Giovanili 1982

Keine Startbahn West. Eine Region wehrt sich

by Thomas Frickel, Regine Hauser, Gunter Oehme, Wolfgang Schneider, Rolf Silber, Michael Smeaton
Country: GFR
Year: 1981
Duration: 115'

The grass-roots movement protesting against the construction of the west runway of Frankfurt airport, in 1981.

Traduzione in inglese Francesca Sala - English translation Francesca Sala


film director

Thomas Frickel

Thomas Frickel was born in 1954. He attended German studies, journalism, sociology, Orient studies. He’s a professional journalist and director, from 1981 he’s part of the administration of the AG Dokumentarfilm.

Traduzione in inglese Francesca Sala - English translation Francesca Sala

Regine Heuser

Regine Heuser was born in 1940 and works as a director. From 1951 to 1971 she worked at SFB/NDR/ZDF ad editor. From 1971 to 1973 she creates, together with Sven Severin, the fiction short films Kindergeburtsag and Vorständssitzung and the documentary Story vom Dreck. In 1973 she is assistant director and editor of Der Lange Jammer by Max D. Willutzki and in 1974 of Der Umsetzer by Trautmann and Lerch. In 1976 she directed the documentary Gezwungen, in die Welt su gehen, in 1977-1978 another documentary, Hambach I – Nur ein Ktatzer in der Landschaft, both collaborating with Aribert Weis. From 1978 to 1980 she was editing teacher at DFFB in Berlin. In 1980 she directed, together with Aribert Weis, the documentary Die Leute von Lichstein-Strass. In 1981 she was artistic contributor and editor of Das Haus im Park, directed by Aribert Weis.

Traduzione in inglese Francesca Sala - English translation Francesca Sala

Gunter Oehme

Gunter Oehme was born in 1954, graduated in mathematics, he’s one of the promoters of the “Darmstädter Studenten-Filmtage”. He’s been working at AG für kommunale Filmarbeit since 1973 and with the “Arbeitsgemeinschaft HE-Film” since 1979.
1979: Gerd Winter – Mein Fenster; Meint Ihr, damit lässt sich der Fortschritt ufhalten (documentary). 1981: Hessischer Herbst (documentary).

Traduzione in inglese Francesca Sala - English translation Francesca Sala

Wolfgang Schneider

Wolfgang Schneider was born in 1954 and he teaches Drama, Cinema and Television in Frankfurt. He’s also a member of the administration of the AG für kommunale Filmarbeit. He has worked on collective films in the “Arbeitsgemeinshaft HE-Film” since 1968, at first in super8, and since 1972 in 16 mm.
1972-1973: Zäsur (short film). 1974: de potestate (experimental film). 1974: Film Nummer 3 (short film). 1075: Fenstertheater (short film); Heimkehr (animation film in partnership with Klaus Wilinski); Das Regenerationsverfahren, die medikamentöse Therapie der progredienten Parodintolyse, sogenannte Parodontose (experimental film). 1979: Gerd Winter – Mein Fenster; Meint Ihr, damit lässt sich der Fortschritt aufhalten (documentary). 1980: Bürger in Widerstand (documentary). 1981: Hessischer Herbst (documentary).

Traduzione in inglese Francesca Sala - English translation Francesca Sala


Wolfgang Schneider was born in 1954 and he teaches Drama, Cinema and Television in Frankfurt. He’s also a member of the administration of the AG für kommunale Filmarbeit. He has worked on collective films in the “Arbeitsgemeinshaft HE-Film” since 1968, at first in super8, and since 1972 in 16 mm.
1972-1973: Zäsur (short film). 1974: de potestate (experimental film). 1974: Film Nummer 3 (short film). 1075: Fenstertheater (short film); Heimkehr (animation film in partnership with Klaus Wilinski); Das Regenerationsverfahren, die medikamentöse Therapie der progredienten Parodintolyse, sogenannte Parodontose (experimental film). 1979: Gerd Winter – Mein Fenster; Meint Ihr, damit lässt sich der Fortschritt aufhalten (documentary). 1980: Bürger in Widerstand (documentary). 1981: Hessischer Herbst (documentary).

Traduzione in inglese Francesca Sala - English translation Francesca Sala

Rolf Silber

Rolf Silber was born in 1953. He studied at DFFB in Berlin from 1976 to 1980. He was co-founder of the “Frankfurter Filmwerkstatt” and is a member of the administration of the “Verband deutscher Nachwuchsfilm”. He works as an operator and director.
1976: Brokdorf (documentary, co-director and contributor in photography). 1977: Hand aufs Herz, wir müssen bauen (documentary, co-director and contributor in photography); Bergegnung ( short film, photography). 1978: Frankfurt – Bankfurt – Punkfurt (experimental film, director). 1979: assistant operator in several movies, such as Palermo oder Wolfsburg by Werner Schroeter and Der Kandidat by Alexander Kluge. 1980: Bunschuh (documentary, director, together with Bruno Schneider and Michael Smeaton); Specht (feature film, director). 1981: Potemkin (feature film, photography); Sandmännchen (13 episodes); scholarship at FFA for Der Türke; project of the TV film Szenenwechsel.
Traduzione in inglese Francesca Sala - English translation Francesca Sala


Rolf Silber was born in 1953. He studied at DFFB in Berlin from 1976 to 1980. He was co-founder of the “Frankfurter Filmwerkstatt” and is a member of the administration of the “Verband deutscher Nachwuchsfilm”. He works as an operator and director.
1976: Brokdorf (documentary, co-director and contributor in photography). 1977: Hand aufs Herz, wir müssen bauen (documentary, co-director and contributor in photography); Bergegnung ( short film, photography). 1978: Frankfurt – Bankfurt – Punkfurt (experimental film, director). 1979: assistant operator in several movies, such as Palermo oder Wolfsburg by Werner Schroeter and Der Kandidat by Alexander Kluge. 1980: Bunschuh (documentary, director, together with Bruno Schneider and Michael Smeaton); Specht (feature film, director). 1981: Potemkin (feature film, photography); Sandmännchen (13 episodes); scholarship at FFA for Der Türke; project of the TV film Szenenwechsel.

Traduzione in inglese Francesca Sala - English translation Francesca Sala

Michael Smeaton

Michael Smeaton was born in 1952. He works as producer and production manager. He was co-founder of “Verband deutscher Nachwuchfilm” and of “Frankfurter Filmwerkstatt”. He has worked on TV productions since 1976. 1977: Direkt, with Proscop-Film, Frankfurt. In 1978 he works as sound engineer and head operator. In 1979 he is sound engineer for Gitanes by Thees Klahn.

Traduzione in inglese Francesca Sala - English translation Francesca Sala


film director

On the 4th of December 1981, the committee for people’s initiative “No to west runway” decided to finance a feature film. The production estimated a cost of 150.00 marks and the involved societies gave most of the amount through professional services. All of the profit made by the distribution of the film went to the committee. The musicians, such as Udo Lindenberg, the “bots”, Inga Rumpf, Frank Wolff and Maximilian Kerner, gave up their fee as well. The great solidarity concert on the 8th of December 1981, at the “Festhalle” in Frankfurt, was the frame for a two-hours movie, which documented both the development of the mass movement and the solidarity that supported it. (…)
The result that we can show to the viewer is not classifiable neither as pure documentary, nor as musical film. In the movie we can find documentary parts and fiction scenes created as a sort of sketch, elements of musical films and experimental editing. The use of different kinds of materials determines a great variety of stylistic choices. Contrasts and rifts are used on purpose, as well as the discrepancy between picture and sound. Through these different stylistic means we want to fight the idea of the viewer as mere “consumer”. But it doesn’t lose its unity because of that: it is formally divided into six chapters and it tries to summarize and make visible the levels of a progressive political departure from the existent system and the transformation of the conscience of the attendees of the movement. The whole film is a lesson on the relationship between dominant and dominated.

Traduzione in inglese Francesca Sala - English translation Francesca Sala


& Credits

Collective film by Thomas Frickel, Regine Heuser, Gunter Oehme, Wolfgang Schneider, Rolf Silber, Michael Smeaton (16 mm, colour). Music: Ude Lindenberg & Panik Orchester, bots, Inga Rumpf mit Band, Frank Wolff, Maximilian Kerner. Production: Arbeitsgemeinschaft HE-Film, Rüsselsheim, Frankfurter Filmwerkstatt and AG Volksbegehren, Mörfelden-Walldorf. Distribution: Filmwelt Verleih, Monaco. Origin: Germany, 1981-82. Length: 115 min.