Tematiche Giovanili 1982

Vor den Vätern sterben die Söhne

by Claudia Holldack
Country: GFR
Year: 1981
Duration: 83'

While going 80 km per hour, Harry turns off the headlights of his motorbike. Robert, on the backseat, is scared and grabs on everything he can. The blind motorbike sinks into the darkness, invisible to the cars coming from the opposite way.
Harry, the mechanic, wants to test Robert, the student, and make him shut up. Recently there are too many talkers… Harry and Robert attracted the angers of the audience of a movie theatre and had to run away; they left the capital city. Why not going to the Baltic Sea? Sea, sand, seaweeds, breathing freedom. And why not paying for a girl for both of them?
“Insure yourselves from any risk, before it’s too late” says the bright sign on the motorway. After the flee to the Baltic, Harry and Robert come back to the city. The end of their adventure is already written, life can’t be insured…

Traduzione in inglese Francesca Sala - English translation Francesca Sala


film director

Claudia Holldack


1975: Illusion der Möglichkeit (telefilm); 1976: Tausend Lieder ohne Ton (telefilm). 1977: Kaiserin aus der Laube (telefilm, episodio della serie "Generationsprobleme"). 1979: Eva Mattes: Fragen an eine Mutter (documentario); Porträt eines Schauspielers (documentario). 1980: Don Quichotte's Kinder. 1981: Vor den Vätern sterben die Söhne.


film director

Vor den Vätern sterben die Söhne is the story of rebel youth, which Brasch places around the mid-60s. The small collection of tales was published in Berlin in 1977. As a matter of fact, in West Berlin, because these kinds of text, forbidden in the German Democratic Republic, were necessary to their authors as a one-way ticket towards the West.
Thomas Brash is one of the leaders of the authors who were protesting against the German Democratic Republic, the exodus of whom was a voluntary slaughter of the socialist state.
There is a line : “The last one who leaves will turn the light off”.
-Excerpt from “Das Fernsehspiel im ZDF”, n.33, June-August 1981.

Traduzione in inglese Francesca Sala - English translation Francesca Sala


& Credits

Director: Claudia Holldack.
Screenplay: Eva Mieke e Claudia Holidack da un racconto di Thomas Brasch.
Director of photography: Dieter Wedekind, Michael Bartlett (16mm, bianco e nero).
Art director: Hans-Ulrich Thormann.
Music: Thilo von Westernhagen.
Editor: Helga Vierhaus.
Cast and characters: Klaus Pohl (Robert), Peter Seum (Harry), Eva Mattes (Sophie).
Production company: Ullstein Tele Video AVProduktion, Hamburg / ZDF.