Italian Competition 1993 - Fiction

UCCELLI MENDICHI, uccelli d'amore, uccelli perduti

Beggar Birds, Love Birds, Lost Birds
by Tonino De Bernardi
Country: Italy
Year: 1993
Duration: 40'

"Birds that are not birds. They search. They don't find. They reject. They forgive. Without a let up (LOST BIRDS). Somebody begs a look, a gesture, or a word that can't come because these birds are dumb (BEGGAR BIRDS). She hugs him. Then she turns and hugs her. This second one turns to yet another 'her'. This last "she" hugs him. He turns towards another 'him'. This 'he' is with a 'her' who turns towards another 'him.' This 'he,' however, is with a 'her' who goes to another 'him'. This other 'he' is carried off by yet another 'him'. However, a 'she' comes inbetween, who shares herself with the two. At the end, the three want the two of them (LOVE BIRDS). Beggar Birds would like to take its inspiration from life, but a film can only give a pale idea of life. And so, its all just the same if you step over life and go beyond it. Who knows where? The film continues the search for utopia, after Earth Birds and Birds that Go. Utopia of the cinema and of the world. A search for oneself and for an everything. Life in the shape of a ballet and like a river that goes, with me and with the others. I broken a way, outside, lost. My particular 'Encyclopedia of Birds' goes on." (Tonino De Bernardi)


film director

Tonino De Bernardi

(Chivasso, Turin, Italy, 1937) was an underground filmmaker from 1967 to 1983. He shot his first “official” feature in 1987: the film Elettra (based on Sophocles’ tragedy), produced by RAI3, involved the participation of non-professional actors from Casalborgone, where he worked as a middle school teacher until 1992. Viaggio a Sodoma (1988) was the co-winner, with Jean-Luc Godard’s film, of the World Wide Video Festival in Den Hag. He participated at the Venice Film Festival in competition with Appassionate (1999), and in Orizzonti with Médée miracle (2007), starring Isabelle Huppert. A restless filmmaker overflowing with projects, he makes at least a film a year. In 2018, together with his wife Mariella, he’s also protagonist of Teresa Villaverde’s O termómetro de Galileu, presented at TFF, in Onde section, just like many others films of De Bernardis'.


Dei (1968-1969), Il quadrato (1971-1972), Il rapporto coniugal parentale (1973-1976), L’io e le aggregazioni (1977-1979), Donne (1980-1982), Viaggio a Sodoma (1988), Piccoli orrori (1994), Fiori del destino (1997), Appassionate (1999), Rosatigre (2000), La strada nel bosco (2001), Farelavita (2001), Lei (2002), Le cinéma dans tous ses états (ep. Terra, cm, 2002), Serva e padrona (2003), Latitudini (2003), Marlene de Sousa (2004), Passato presente (2005), Accoltellati (Accoltellatori) (2006), Médée miracle (2007), Pane/Piazza delle camelie (2008), Butterfly - L’attesa (2010), Ed è così. Circa. Più o meno (2011), Casa dolce casa (2012), Hotel de l’Univers (2013), Jour et nuit - Delle donne e degli uomini perduti (2014), Il sogno dell’India - Quarant’anni dopo (2015), Ifigenia in Aulide (2018), Resurrezione (2019), Ou n'etes vous? (mm, 2022), Universi circoscritti 2 (2022).


& Credits

Regia, sceneggiatura e fotografia: Tonino De Bernardi.
Music: Ciro Buttari.
Editor: Stefano Francia.
Cast: Bianca De Camargo, Claudia Capone, Silvia Jannazzo, Domenico Castaldo, Stefano Francia, Gilda Postiglione, Alessandro Marzapaoli, Saverio Isola, Antonella Boschetto, Giulietta De Bernardi, Veronica De Bernardi, Carlotta Oddone, Simone Di Giorgi, Marco Mantelli, Alberto Momo.
Production company: Tonino De Bernardi - Lontane Province, strada S. Maria 2, 10020 Casalborgone (TO), tel. +39-011-9174495.




Secondo Prize
