Proposals 1995

Le stagioni della Resistenza

The seasons of the resistance

Country: Italy
Year: 1995
Duration: 150'

These ten short programs along with their prologue take up the most impressive themes in the struggle of the partisans. Together, they almost make up a kind of fresco. Seven of these programs and the prologue have been chosen to be previewed at the Turin Film Festival.

Prologue: September 8: what happened on September 8 and why the clearest minds then gave life to armed resistance in that time when everything unravelled. (12')

Rebels: the first partisan bands, who call themselves rebels, work out a new way of struggle in their daily lives as well as a new way of organizing society. (10')

Guerrilla Warfare in the Cities: Giovanni Pesce, one of the most esteemed protagonists of the clandestine struggle, brings its tough and dramatic nature to life through his lucid eyewitness accounts. (15')

Search and Destroy Missions: how people reacted and how they defended themselves against what was the most dangerous of the enemies' tactics, the search and destroy mission. (13')

Enemy Violence: a brief short fiction film to represent a punitive action taken against a partisan group. (15')

Democracy School: the experience in the liberated areas is presented even with striking and original metaphorical approaches. (11')

Women in the Mountains and the Cities: a run through made up of remembrances and of selections from films on the subject of the varied ways that women took part in the partisan struggle. (13')

The Allied Airdrops: fragments from archive films and eyewitness accounts bear witness to the help that came from the skies to the partisan formations. (14')


film director

Archivio Nazionale Cinematografico della Resistenza

The National Film Archive of the Resistance was created in Turin in 1966 at the initiative of Ferruccio Parri and the then mayor of Turin, Giuseppe Grosso. Its first president was Franco Antonicelli and present president is Paolo Gobetti. Its institutional functions include collecting and organizing film documents on the history of the Resistance, on anti-Fascism, on the deportations in Italy and in Europe. Furthermore, it runs a cluster of educational activities, seminars, research projects and film productions based on these themes. Over the years, the Archive has set up many important film series on themes from film and history, such as its last two series entitled "The Sun Still Rises" and "Rediscovered Europe". Both these series were made for the fiftieth anniversary of the Resistance. The Archive has produced numerous documentary films, such as its most important films - Lotta partigiana and Le prime bande - as well as over fifty video programs on themes from contemporary history.


Resistenza: Lotta partigiana, Le prime bande, Cichero, Non c'è tenente né capitano…, Episodi della Resistenza, Aldo dice 26 X 1., Le stagioni della resistenza (1995).

Trent'anni di storia: Mussolini e il fascismo, La strategia dell'aggressione 1935-1937, Aleph-Taw: memorie dello sterminio, Il giudizio di Norimberga, Il regime fascista, Gli anni della guerra, I confini calpestati, Racconto interrotto, Spagna anni trenta.

Movimento operaio: Memoria operaia - Torino 1900-1917, L'occupazione delle fabbriche, Bandiere rosse, Scioperi a Torino, Lancia di Chivasso: una comunità operaia non rassegnata.


& Credits

Regia e realizzazione: Alessandro Amaducci, Claudio Cormio, Daniele Gaglianone, Paolo Gobetti, Paola Olivetti, Ernaldo Data, Patrizia Franchi.
Production company: Archivio Nazionale Cinematografico della Resistenza col patrocinio del Comitato Nazionale per le Celebrazioni del Cinquantennale della Resistenza e della guerra di Liberazione, c/o Archivio Nazionale Cinematografico della Resistenza, via Fabro 6, 10122 Torino, Italy, tel. +39011-535470, fax +39 011539274.
Italian distribution: Cooperativa 28 dicembre Archivio Nazionale Cinematografico della Resistenza, via Fabro 6, 10122 Torino, Italy, tel. +39011535470, fax +39-011-539274.