Country: Austria
Year: 1971
Duration: 92'

In a summer work camp for high school students, Tokés is named commandant by means of a chance lottery. The directors, particularly Professor Somlo, are nervous because the children are scarcely enthusiastic and, above all, because there is no work at the state farm due to a mixup. Somlo's young assistant, Professor Dienes, would like the directors to admit this, Somlo does not let himself be convinced and tries to win some time by organizing various programs, but the students soon realize that there is something that does not add up. Hasznos, one of the students, goes away. A high school student arrives from France. He has been given the task of holding a talk on the educational system in his country, but Somlo prevents him from talking in public. In the meantime, a farmer offers some work to the "unemployed" and some of them Pataki, Vincze and Tokés himself accept and stay away from the camp for an entire day. Somlo threatens them with an exemplary punishment.

"The director of this film with the weird title has introduced himself. He shows an extraordinarily convincing talent, a compositional mastery rare in a first film, and a perspective that is personal and sensitive to the grotesque. His film is an impetous act of protest fitting for these times. His interest lies in a common line of thought that is ready for renewal and willing to make youth seem adulthood and to make adults seem adults." (Vera Létay, "Filmvilag", 15/2/1972)


film director

Gyula Gazdag


& Credits

Director: Gyula Gazdag.
Screenplay: Gyula Gazdag, Miklos Gyorffy.
Director of photography: Tamas Andor.
Music: Lajos Illés.
Cast and characters: Zoltan Paulinyi (Somlo, comandante del campo), Janos Atkari (il professor Dienes), Gabor Gergely (Tokés), Balazs Gyore (Hasznos), Andras Mész (Pataki), Janos Borsogi (Vincze), JeanPierre Falloux (il francese).
Production company: MaFilm (Studio 1), Budapest.