Country: Austria
Year: 1969
Duration: 18'

Like Baudelaire, the italian sculptor of Hungarian origin, Amerigo Tot, is a great traveller. He does not consider his frequent wanderings only as sources of an exalting consciousness of beautiful things from all over the world. For him, these things also imply a chance to choose and to decant their essences, at times in a painstaking way. in this way, he makes an effort to open himself to all the beauties of life and of the world in order to bring them into his day-today work as fruits of human labor. Thus the short film traces the artists double itinerary both human and real.


film director

Zoltan Huszarik


& Credits

Regia, soggetto e sceneggiatura: Zoltan Huszarik.
Director of photography: Janos Toth.
Production company: MaFilm, Budapest.