Country: Italy
Year: 1996
Duration: 7'15''

A terrorist gets a glance at his girlfriend in a big department store. He has only a few minutes to get to her before the bomb he has just planted is to go off. His breathless search is hindered by a vigilante. He is in for a bitter surprise.


film director

Vincenzo Scuccìmarra

Vincenzo Scuccimarra (Rome, 1964) is a journalist and screenwriter. He works at the Union o Film Circles of ARCI, where he deals with the distribution of short films in film clubs and art-house movie theaters. In 1995 he joined thirty directors, several short- film producers and programmers to form the national clearinghouse "Unione per il Cortometraggio." This organization helps its members in the production and distribution of their projects. The "Unione" has joined ANAC and AIACE in presenting the Department of Performance with a request for funding for short films. He made his first short film in 1993. EntitIed Dejà vu, it competed in the 1993 Venice Film Festival, where it won the AIACE award.


Dejà vu (1993), Non ti amo più (1995), Il tempo che manca (1996).


& Credits

Regia, soggetto e sceneggiatura: Vincenzo Scuccimarra.
Director of photography: Luigi Andrei.
Art director: Stefano Pica.
Editor: Maurizio Baglivo.
Music: Lanfranco Fornari.
Cast: Paolo Sassanelli, Silvia De Luca, Manrico Gammarota, Sabrina Scuccimarra, Tonino Zangardi.
Production company: Bernadette De Cavi Film Trust Italia, via dei Banchi Vecchi 58, 00186 Roma, tel. +39066832740, fax +39066832770.