Country: Austria
Year: 1969
Duration: 92'

A young architect does routine work, earns just a little, and lives with his wife in a modest sublet apartment. Suddenly fortune seems to shine on him. He is appointed to plan a residential complex and the old woman they rent from is close to death. However, the final oversight commission rejects the project. Their apartment is assigned to some other people. When he is faced with these predicaments, Laci is ready to accept a series of compromises. He modifies his project. He accepts the unattractive apartment that he was offered. When he is invited to a thesis defense, he attacks the candidate's ideas vehemently. Consequently, the director of the institute, and old and gentile architect, tells him that he has been relieved of his position for good. However, after some crises and some skirmishes, he manages to convince his superior definitely of the worth of his project. Laci and his wife end up in their little, freshlypainted apartment at least, happy to have that.

"Only the two heroes wear glasses. Their creator wears none neither rose-colored glasses nor shades. It is hard to believe that this is a first film. It is not dishevelled and titanic, nor is it a kind of eminent master's thesis. Its theme is evidently of an autobiographical nature, but the film does without those suffocating emotional floods that autobiographies have that compulsion towards confessions and excessive poetic quality. Simo understands perfectly that facts and impressions often bring out the core of an entangled plot. In the structure of this film, one can sec the hand of this onetime engineer and his organic understanding of things. There is a logical and neat order, but no type of dramatic calculation. It is a firstrate work also from a literary point of view. In effect, it is a succession of thoughts, full of sparkling dialogues, sparks generated by spiritual duels, and brief intervals of resignation running through a story rife with meaning, even though it is a story of everyday life." (Laszlo B. Nagy, "Élet és irodalom", 15/11/1969)


film director

Sandor Simo


& Credits

Regia, soggetto e sceneggiatura: Sandor Simo.
Director of photography: Gabor Kenyeres.
Music: Zdenko Tamassy.
Cast and characters: Istvan Bujtor (Laci), Maria Ronyecz (Jutka, sua moglie), Istvan Avar (Tibor), Mari Torocsik (Mari).
Production company: MaFilm (Studio 3), Budapest.