Country: Italy
Year: 1997
Duration: 15'06''

Three people meet a young woman, a mixedup young man, and a male musician. As a result of this meeting a triangle is created among these three characters that seems to end when the musician and the confused young man walk away together hand in hand, leaving the young women alone. However, the film crew enters. They are not happy with the ending and keep on suggesting alternatives that explore the various possibilities of the triangle, tending more and more towards paradox.


film director

Claudia Pavan

Claudia Pavan (Turin, 1970) is a university graduate in psychology. She attended Set and Sound, a theoretical-practical training workshop for direct sound recording conducted by the Poliedra, She participated in a directing workshop at the Ipotesi Cinema school of the Paolo Valmarana Institute as well as in a theoretical-practical workshop in writing for the cinema conducted by the Turin Municipal Media Center of Italian Independent Cinema. She took a screenwriting course at Alessandro Baricco's Holden School. In addition, she studied theater for four years at the A. Blandi Theater Training Institute in Turin. Her Volevo fare un film... was screened in the Regional Competition at the 15° Torino Film Festival; the previews year he partecipated with her video Vito e alloggio (dall'alba al tramonto).


& Credits

Director: Claudia Pavan.
Sceneggiatura, fotografia, musica: Claudia Pavan, Andrea Bottino.
Editor: Zenit Arti Audiovisive.
Cast: Maria Grazia Fontanesi, Vito Garofalo, Manuel Bona, Alberto Viglione, Vise Sucato, Claudia Pavan, Simona Mosso, Marzia Marengo, Giovanna Tedesco.
Production company: Claudia Pavan, via Brione 28, 10143 Torino, tel. +39118608195 / 7715177, fax +3911~8608195, Email