Country: Italy
Year: 1999
Duration: 14'

The young people play the roles of themselves twenty years later. In fact, they tell the story of a group of alumni who have a reunion and re-live the ways in which they had experienced some episodes of their high-school years.

The workshop has been active since 1992. It aims at developing a way of teaching addressed to furnishing students with critical and analytical skills. Furthermore, the workshop is animated by the conviction that only through creating a piece of information, an audiovisual story, can the students learn to use the tools of mass communication> only then can they understand the complex system in which the media hold sway. Here the specific task was to teach the value of memory. Memory is, first of all, the memory of oneself, but it is also the memory of the group. Only then can personal history become history with a capital H.


film director

Istituto tecnico industriale statale "Pininfarina", Moncalieri (TO)


& Credits

Regia, soggetto, sceneggiatura, montaggio: gruppo classe della IV C Telecomunicazioni coordinato dalle professoresse Paola Bertolotti, Carla Piana con la collaborazione del tecnico Fortunato Mesiano e del consulente di Post-produzione Emiliano Darchini.
Production company: I.T.I.S. "G.B. Pininfarina", via Ponchielli 16, 10021 Borgo San Pietro, Moncalieri (To), Italy,tel.+39-11-6058311, fax.+39-11- 6820273.