Country: Italy
Year: 1999
Duration: 3' 40''

After Odysseus massacred the suitors, he left Ithaca in order to quell the wrath of Poseidon, as Tiresias's prophecy called for. After several thousand years Odysseus returns to his native island "like a seagull", nut the time that has passed and a nuclear catastrophe transformed his land and his sea.

"This short film is one of the dreamed memories of Hope, a futuristic Penelope forced into a life on a wheelchair. She is waiting for the return of her Nobody, a professional killer who has been betrayed by his best friend and killed by his companions in a metaphysical film noir rich in nuance and classical allusion" (Giuseppe Bonecchi Borgazzi, Cristiana Donghi).


film director

Giorgio Bonecchi Borgazzi

Giorgio Bonecchi Borgazzi (Busto Arsizio, Varese; 1968) earned a diploma as cameraperson from the CFP in Milan in 1990. Between 1989 and 1991 he attended the Ipotesi Cinema School directed by Ermanno Olmi. In 1993 he founded a small studio, Killer Elite Film. His short films have participated in numerous festivals, including the 1995-99 Torino Film Festivals. His Elvis Dead at 58 was presented at Robert Redford's Sundance Film Festival in 1998.


I (delitti esemplari) (cm, 1993), Back to Alibek (doc., 1993), Riga Brothers (doc., 1993), Streetman (cm, 1995), Odisseo (cm, 1995), Titti e Silvestro (cm, 1996), Elvis Dead at 58 (cm, 1997), Zazen (cm, 1998), Il giorno del ritorno (To nomiston emar) (cm, 1999).

Cristiana Donghi

Cristiana Donghi (Como, 1966) is a university graduate in philosophy. She received a diploma from the Milan CFP, specializing in editing. She is currently working as an editor of film clips, commercials, and television programs.


Toccami il cazzo, puttana! (1995), Da quando Maria non c'è più (1999).


& Credits

Director: Giuseppe Bonecchi Borgazzi, Cristiana Donghi.
Soggetto, sceneggiatura, fotografia: Giuseppe Bonecchi Borgazzi.
Grafica e trattamento dell'immagine: Cristina Seresini.
Editor: Cristiana Donghi.
Sound: Marco Acquaviva, Cristiana Donghi, Roberto Serri.
Music: Marco Acquaviva.
Cast: Vittorio Solbiati.
Production company: Killerelite Film, via Cavour 9, 21013 Gallarate (Va), tel. 0335-8192553, fax +39-0331-795324.
Co-production: Anteprima Video.
Italian distribution: Aloa, via San Giovanni in Laterano 190, 00185 Roma, Italia, tel. +39-06-70474085.