Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Year: 1985
Duration: 20'

A small community and handicraft work on a product once again become the pretext for Ouédraogo to observe and give shape to the gestures of everyday life. There are faces captured in their fatigue and in their repose. All this builds up and strengthens a relationship between the human beings and the space in which they live (and survive). Ouédraogo works out a structure that takes us back to the one he used in Les écuelles and he integrates this structure with other elements. Here there is not only the work of the weaver, which is always more and more difficult and threatened by trade with low quality products. There are also other activities which are happened upon and shown as inserts that document a day in a a village - a market, a woman with a child, and a barber. This is a kind of ideal continuation of the quality of things-not-shown in the lives of the passers-by in Ouagadougou, Ouaga deux roues. There is the dream of Issa, who imagines that he has overcome his own poverty. There is an apparition - silent - of a white photographer who focuses in on those events shooting other images.
Issa le tisserand won the best documentary award at the ninth FESPACO. («Documentary» is a category that is two tight and limiting.)


film director

Idrissa Ouédraogo

Idrissa Ouédraogo was born in Banfora, Burkina Faso in 1954. He graduated from the African Film Studies Institute in Ouagadougou. He then worked in the governing board of the Film Production of Burkino Faso in 1981. He remained for a period in Kiev. In 1985 he graduated from IDHEC in Paris. He then received a degree in film studies at the University of Paris at the Sorbonne.


Poko (cm, 1981), Les Écuelles (cm, 1983), Les Funérailles du Larlé Naaba (co-regia di Pierre Rouamba, cm, 1984), Ouagadougou, Ouaga deux roues (cm, 1985), Issa le tisserand (cm, 1985), Tenga (cm, 1985), Yam Daabo (1986), Yaaba (1989), Tilaï (1990), A Karim na Sala (tv, 1991), Obi (mm, tv, 1991), Samba Traoré (1992), Gorki (cm, tv, 1993), Le cri du cœur (1994), Afrique, mon Afrique (mm, 1994), Kini & Adams (1997), Les Parias du cinéma (cm, 1997), Scénarios du Sahel: Le Guerrier (cm, 1997), Scénarios du Sahel: La Boutique (cm, 1997), Scénarios du Sahel: Pour une fois (cm, 1997), Pleurs de femmes (cm, video, 1999), Kadi Jolie (cm, video, 1999).


& Credits

Director: Idrissa Ouédraogo.
Director of photography: Sekov Ouedraogo.
Editor: Arnaud Blin.
Sound: Issa Traore.
Music: Mustapha Thiombiano.
Production company: Direction du Cinéma du Burkina Faso; Ministero Francese per le Relazioni Estere.