Country: Italy
Year: 1962
Duration: 35'

The factory workers at Lancia in Turin went out on strike in the winter of 1962. We see the picketing at dawn, the Borgo San Paolo neighborhood that united around the strikers, the few immigrant workers that started to join the strike, the union meetings, and the marches into the city center. This is a militant film, the day-to-day chronicle of a struggle that initiated a long period of protests that culminated in the great strikes at Fiat.

"A group of us co-workers from «Il Nuovo Spettatore Cinematografico» thought that the Lancia strike would give us the chance to perform the film experiment that we had been thinking about for a long time. We wanted to follow the strike , to gather in its atmosphere and spirit, to document its various phases, and to interpret its growth. The original goal was precisely to use the film as an instrument in the struggle" (Paolo Gobetti).


film director

Paolo Gobetti


Scioperi a Torino (1962, 35'), Lotta partigiana (1975, 60'), Dalla marcia su Roma a Piazzale Loreto (1975, 129'), Cudine 17 novembre 1944 (1979, 18'), Un'altra Italia nella bandiere dei lavoratori (1980, 18'), Spagna 1936-1937 (1978-1981, 55'), La Bahìo - Festa di una valle occitana (1982, 80') , Lu viol (1983, 65'), Le prime bande (1984, 60'), Incontri (1985, 60'), Como libera: il film e la memoria (1986, 45'), La battaglia di Pertuso (1987, 40'), Al tempo delle scale (1987, 25'), Spagna anni Trenta (1990, 50'), Racconto interrotto (1992, 50'), Le stagioni della Resistenza (in dieci quadri e un prologo) (1995, 130').


& Credits

Regia, riprese e montaggio: Carla e Paolo Gobetti.
Collaboration: Goffredo Fofi, Gianni Jona, Claudio Capello.
Text: Franco Fortini, letto da Lino Biancolini, Iginio Bonazzi, Angiolina Quinterno.
Music: Sergio Liberovici.
Production company: "Il Nuovo Spettatore Cinematografico".