Country: Italy
Year: 1999
Duration: 35'

"This work was made in order to demonstrate the artificial distinction between fiction and documentary. In this work the intuition is guided from afar by the initial vague and general image of the project. However, intuition plays a fundamental role. Using this approach, images take on a spontaneous independence. They are isolated instants that are hard to harmonize, reconstruct and falsify as they are edited. However, this is also a film based on a constant autobiographical reconstruction filtered through film language. The film was shot partially with a moving camera in constant search for a take that uses best the images that come out of reality." (Gianluca Chinnici, Mattia Matteucci)


film director

Gianluca Chinnici


Pittura fritta, (1995), La rasatura (1995), Ciclo della vanitas: Vanitas (sulla pelle) (1996), Vanitas (nella carne) (1997), Ecce mater tua (1997), Alchemica (1997), Balocchica (1997), Vittoria sul sole, (1999), Koroshiya (1999), A via Teodosio (1999), Quattro inquadrature in un bagno (2000), Cortile (2001).

Mattia Matteucci


Vittoria sul sole (1999), Koroshiya (1999), A via Teodosio (1999), Chick lucine, (2001), Riemann (2001).


& Credits

Director: Gianluca Chinnici, Mattia Matteucci.