Country: Italy
Year: 2000
Duration: 8' 27''

The film tries to use a few modest images in order to tell the story of a place - the former psychiatric hospital of Collegno (Turin). By showing this space, the film tries to read the traces and signs of the people who had lived and are still living there. The second part shows the encounter of a group of children with former hospital in-patients. They thereby did not try as much to trace out the history of what happened as much as to read a sign of what any one of us has experienced.


film director

Istituto Comprensivo Statale


& Credits

Director: Paolo Bertini.
Soggetto e sceneggiatura: Paolo Bertini, Giovanna Caffo.
Editor: Paolo De Grandi.
Production company: Istituto Comprensivo Statale, via De Amicis 1, 10055 Condove (Torino),
tel. +39-011-964192, fax +39-011-964192.