Country: Italy
Year: 2000
Duration: 17' 50''

Kam, a Tunisian boy, is finding it hard to fit into a Turin middle school. He works outside a supermarket. He is first met with general distrust and the jealousy of one of his Italian classmates. He then earns the sympathy of his classmates after a soccer game that he wins for the team. The basic idea of this video was to shoot a short film in 2000 about the theme of the integration of a non-European-Union boy into the lives of the young people in Turin that begin with their lives at school.


film director

S.M.S. «Amedeo Peyron»


& Credits

Director: Luigi Scisci.
Soggetto e sceneggiatura: Luigi Scisci e la classe III C.
Editor: Luciano D'Onofrio.
Production company: Scuola media statale «Amedeo Peyron», via Valenza 71, 10127 Torino, tel. +39-011/6961008, fax +39-011-6637258.