Country: Italy
Year: 1984
Duration: 2'


film director

Mimmo Calopresti

(Polistena, Reggio Calabria; 1955) is a director and screenwriter. His films have been presented at numerous national and international festivals, including those in Salsomaggiore, Montbéliard, Munich, Stuttgart, Turin, Barcelona, Madrid, Florence, Ferrara, and Cannes. He wrote a screenplay that won the 1994 Solinas award, which he used in the making of his first feature film, La seconda volta. The film premiered in competition at Cannes in 1995, just like the following La parole amore esiste (1998). He later continued his career by creating several other feature films - Preferisco il rumore del mare (1999), La felicità non costa niente (2002), L'abbuffata (2007), La fabbrica dei tedeschi (2008), Aspromonte - La terra degli ultimi (2019) - and more than twenty documentaries, many of which were presented at the Torino Film Festival.


A proposito di sbavature (video, 1985), Ripresi (cm, 1987), Fratelli minori (cm, 1987), Paolo ha un lavoro (doc., 1991), Paco e Francesca (doc., 1992), Remzjia (doc., 1992), 1943 La scelta (doc., 1994), 43-45 Pace e libertà (doc., 1994), Alla Fiat era così (doc., 1990), La seconda volta (1994), La parola amore esiste (1998), Tutto era la Fiat (doc., 1999), Preferisco il rumore del mare (1999), La felicità non costa niente (2002), Una bellissima bambina (cm, 2004), Dov’è Auschwitz (doc., 2005), Volevo solo vivere (2006), Torino è la mia città (doc, 2007), L'abbuffata (2007), La fabbrica dei tedeschi (2008), L'Aquila 2009 - Cinque registi tra le macerie (ep, doc, cm, 2009), La maglietta rossa (doc, 2009), 1960 I ribelli (doc, cm, 2010), Uno al giorno (doc, cm, 2012), Madre di pietà (doc, cm, 2013), Socrates uno di noi (doc, 2014), Uno per tutti (2015), La fabbrica fantasma (doc, 2016), Immondezza - La bellezza salverà il mondo (doc, 2017), Aspromonte - La terra degli ultimi (2019), Romanzo radicale (2022), Gianni Versace, l’imperatore dei sogni (doc, 2023).

Pierfranco Milanese

Pierfranco Milanese (Alessandria, 1956) began to work in the field of visual communications with the Blood Video group in 1982. In 1990 he co-founded Index, a film and video production company. In 1998 he collected and filmed the testimony and recollections of people who survived the Nazi concentration camps for Spielberg's Shoah Foundation. He had import professional experiences working with Jean Rouch in 1986 and with Robert Kramer in 1998.


Pierfranco Milanese: Nica libre (1984), Filo rosso (1996), Tamburi lontani (1996), Paolo Conte e il cinema (1998), Le foglie volano (1999), Il reduce (1999, co-regia Monica Affatato), Fiat, autunno ’80 (2000, co-regia Pietro Perotti), Antonio Calderara e la sua collezione (2001, co-regia Beppe Calopresti), Infanzie (2001), Dal vero: il paesaggismo napoletano (2002, co-regia Beppe Calopresti), Senzachiederepermesso (2014, co-regia Pietro Perotti)

Claudio Paletto

Claudio Paletto (Turin, 1954) co-directed several videos with Mimmo Calopresti which appeared in the most important European film reviews in the 1980s. He then made short documentary films on social themes. He won the "Images of Reality" award at the 1990 Milan Filmmaker Festival and the 1993 Italian Space prize at the 1993 Torino Film Festival. In 1995 he won a grant for working on a screenplay written with Heidrun Schleef. Since 1997 he has worked with Richi Ferrero's Gran Teatro Urbano, with whom he has created images for urban installations and non-traditional museum exhibitions.


Falso agosto (1987), Bordi taglienti (1989), Do It (1989), La musica degli angeli (1990), Spezzoni (1990), Songs & Images (1991), Shabab (1991), Alla fine del millennio (1991), Lo rifarei domani (1992), Spider (1992), Massimo rispetto (1993), Milano, 25 aprile 1994 (1994), All'incontrario (1994), Agar (1994), Italie: Domandez le sondage! (1995), Dentro… l'arcobaleno (1995), Filo rosso (1996), Ladri di emozioni (1999), Forte suggestione (2000), Zona 18, Limon - Guatemala (2000).


& Credits

Regia, sceneggiatura, fotografia e musica: Mimmo Calopresti, Pier Franco Milanese, Claudio Paletto.
Production company: Blood Video.
Italian distribution: Pier Franco Milanese, via Luisa del Carretto 74/1), Torino.