Doc 2002 Competition

Come fossili cristallizzati nel tempo

Like Fossils Crystallized in Time

Country: Italy
Year: 2001
Duration: 42'

The most impressive textile factory region in Italy is now an astonishing concentration of empty buildings and abandoned industrial structures. Having only fortuitously escaped demolition, shunned by recent urban development and removed from collective memory, these architectonic wrecks blend into the landscape like fossils crystallised in time. Architecture and memories for an attempt to find a solution between erasing the traces of the past and keeping alive the efforts of the generation who dedicated their lives to a better future through hard labour.

"A documentary without interviews or human voices may seem like a paradox. But the protagonists of this film are mute: enormous empty spaces, silent but deafening in the continuous rebounding of the echoes of voices, sounds and noises that once inhabited them. The story of old wool mills and the feeling one gets wandering through an abandoned factory, with the knowledge that one is walking somewhere that was once very important to someone" (L. Pastore).


film director

Luca Pastore

Luca Pastore (Turin, Italy, 1961) founded the production company Legovideo in 1983 with Alessandro Cocito. He has directed documentaries, video clips, TV jingles and commercials and his works have been broadcast by TV stations such as Rai, Arte, RaiSat, La7, Mtv and Sky. In 2001, his documentary Io arrivo da Giove received the Jury Award at the Torino Film Festival, at which he has also participated with various films, including I dischi del sole (2005), which received a nomination for a David di Donatello and the Jury Prize at RomaMusicDocFest. He also has made four albums with the punk noise group Fluxus.


filmografia essenziale/essential filmography 

Il processo (cm, 1984), Ultima spiaggia (coregia/codirector Alessandro Cocito, cm, 1986), Adieu Dalì (coregia/codirector Alessandro Cocito, 1987), Unoequattordici (coregia/codirector Alessandro Cocito, cm, 1988), Ufficio di collocamento (coregia/codirector Alessandro Cocito, cm, 1993), Ira (1994), Senza titolo (coregia/codirector Alessandro Cocito, cm, 1995), Welat/Patria (1998), Derelict Land (cm, 1999), 30 Seconds over Moscow (2000), Io arrivo da Giove (2001), Come fossili cristallizzati nel tempo (2002), I dischi del sole (doc., 2004), Subsonica extraterrestre (2005), Volumi all’idrogeno-kartakanta (2006), Oma e chimica (2007), Ganci (cm, doc., 2007), Freakbeat (2011).


& Credits

Director: Luca Pastore.
Soggetto, sceneggiatura: Maurizio Pellegrini.
Director of photography: Luca Pron.
Music: Raggio Anti-Morte.
Editor: Claudio Staniscia.
Production company: Elena Filippini per Stefilm, via Berthollet 44, 10125 Torino, Italia, tel. +39-011-6680017, fax +39-011-6680003, www.stefilm.it, e-mail info@stefilm.it; LegoVideo, via Rosmini 13, 10126 Torino, Italia, tel. e fax +39-011-6503909; VideoAstolfoSullaLuna.
Co-production: RaiSat, Regione Piemonte.
Italian distribution: Stefilm, Torino.