European Perspectives 2002

Im toten winkel - Hitlers sekretärin

Blind Spot - Hitler's Secretary
by André Heller, Othmar Schiderer
Country: Austria
Year: 2002
Duration: 90'

Traudl Junge was Hitler's private secretary from the autumn of 1942 until the end of the Nazi regime. She worked for him in Obersalzberg, on his private train, and at the end, in the bunker in which he committed suicide. Hitler dictated his will to her. The eighty-one-year-old Traudl, who passed away when the film was being presented in Berlin, tells the story of her life for the first time in front of a movie camera. The edited material is culled from ten hours of interviews.


film director

Othmar Schmiderer

Othmar Schmiderer (Lofer/Salzburg 1954) has lived in Vienna since 1973. He organizes jazz concerts and has been a theatrical director since 1980. He later moved on to cinema, working with directors like Valie Export, Michael Pilz, Kathe Kratz. Since 1987, he has concentrated on making independent films.


Othmar Schmiderer: Josef Hauser - Klang und Raum (doc, co-regia, 1988), Mobile Stabile (doc, co-regia, 1992), Collision (video, 1993), Klangs‰ule (1994), Kraftfeld I-IV Erinnerungsr‰ume (video, 1996), Am Stein (doc, 1997), An Echo from Europe ñ Vienna Art Orchestra on Tour (doc, 1998), Ikonostase I + II (video, 1999), Lichtschatten (cm, 2000), Eikon 3 (video, 2000), Im toten Winkel. Hitlers Sekretarin (2002).

André Heller

André Heller (Vienna 1947). Has been writing novels, poetry and songs since 1964. A professional musician, he has made many records and organized numerous tours. He has also published 14 books. Nowadays he works mainly as a theatrical impresario and organizes large variety shows.


André Heller: Menschen am Zentral (doc, 1978), Jag mandir - Das exzentrische Privattheater des Maharadjah von Udaipur (doc, co-regia, 1991), Im toten Winkel. Hitlers Sekret‰rin (2002).


& Credits

Director: André Heller, Othmar Schmiderer.
Intervistatore: André Heller.
Fotografia e suono: Othmar Schmiderer.
Editor: Daniel Pöhacker.
Produttori: Danny Krausz, Kurt Stocker.
Produzione e vendita all'estero: DOR Film, Bergsteiggasse 36, A-1170 Wien, Austria, tel. +43-1-4271011, fax +43-1-4271050, office@dor-film.at.
Italian distribution: E.Mik, viale Vittorio Veneto 24, 20124 Milano, Italy, tel. +39-02- 45454775, fax +39-02- 45454779, e-mail francesco.melzi@emik.it.