Europe in Shorts VIII. Experimental Films

Alone. Life wastes Andy Hardy

Alone. Life Wastes Andy Hardy
by Martin Arnold
Country: Austria
Year: 1998
Duration: 15

The family scene, which in the original last only seconds ans are not particularly notable, are surgically sectioned into single frames. Using repetition of these single cells and a new rhythm - a kind of cloning procedure - Arnold creates a monstrous doppelganger of the original cuts lasting many minutes, in which the hidden message of sex and violence is turned out to the point where it crackles. In Alone the crossing of harmless teenager films gives birth to an Oedipal drama in which mother love mutates to sheer lust.


film director

Martin Arnold

Martin Arnold (Vienna, 1959) studied psychology and history of art at Vienna University. Free-lance filmmaker since 1988. Since 1995 guest professor at the University of Wisconsin (Milwaukee), San Francisco Art Institute.


& Credits

Regia/Director : Martin Arnold