Stavros Tornes, Greek and Italian Filmmaker

Danilo Treles (O fimismenos andhalousiànos mousikos)

Danilo Treles (The Famous Andalusian Musician)
by Stavros Tornes
Country: Greece
Year: 1986
Duration: 86

An English singer travels around the Greek countryside accompanied by his guitar. He meets a strange, anthropomorphic creature, part man part fox, and they start looking for a person who has become almost mythical: Danilo Treles, a famous Andalusian musician, about whom they know nothing else. Along their way they meet many other strange creatures: a human-looking crow, a witch who survives by sucking the sap from the trees, a biologist who speaks Latin, a black musician.


film director

Stavros Tornes


& Credits

Regia/Director: Stavros Tornes
Sceneggiatura/Screenplay: Stavros Tornes, Charlotte van Gelder Fotografia/Director of photography: Ghi`nnis Daskalothan`sis
Scenografia/Set designer: Stèlios Anastasi`dhis
Costumi/Costumes designer: Anastasìa Arsèni
Montaggio/Film editor: Spìros Pròvis
Musica/Music: Beppe Della Matrona, Aren Bee, Deedee M'Fadoul
Suono/Sound: Marinòs Athanasòpoulos, Ghi`nnis Iliòpoulos
Interpreti/Cast: Stèlios Anastasi`dhis, Sotirìa Leon`rdou, Aren Bee, Deedee M'Fadoul, Roberto De Angelis, Francesco Calimera, Ghi`nnis Iliòpoulos, Elias Kanellis, François Stef`nou, Elèni Stef`nou
Produzione, distribuzione/Production, distribution: Stavros Tornes, EKK/Greek Film Centre