Country: Italy
Year: 2003
Duration: 70

On Friday January 24th, 2003, at dawn, the avvocato Giovanni Agnelli died. This death frees us of a hate-love relationship with a "real" master, the personification of capital: with Agnelli really ends Fordism, and a Turin personality ` la Gramsci of the working class. That's where the idea of a theatre play comes out, getting a trace from Shakespeare's Hamlet, tales of an ending era, but also the funeral of car industry and FIAT, the end of a work model, of production of a working class as an engine, for more than a century, of the history of this city. Among the old and abandoned factories, an actor, Beppe Rosso, and a sociologist, Marco Revelli, will guide us through this journey in post-industrial Turin, trying to find our memory back of a work that doesn't exist anymore.

"Hamlet: 'I have heard, that guilty creatures sitting at a play have by the very cunning of the scene been struck so to the soul that presently they have proclaim'd their malefactions... The play's the thing wherein I'll catch the conscience of the king'" (W. Shakespeare, Hamlet, act II, sc. II).


film director

Armando Ceste

Armando Ceste (Turin, 1942), after several experiences in underground cinema (his first short film, La lezione, was screened at the Festival del Cinema Indipendente Italiano in 1969 in Turin), in the beginning of the 70's he is one of the founders of Collettivo Cinema Militante in Turin. In the last years he has made several works, some of them in collaboration with the Archivio Audiovisivo del movimento Operaio e Demovratico in Rome. He has been artistic director at Valsusa FilmFest, film festival on the themes of historic memory and environment defense.


La lezione (1969), I migliori anni della nostra vita (1987), Donato (1987), Nosferatu, ogni notte di fronte a me (1988), Das Rastel einer Strasse (1988), Morire d'amore (1988), Recita (1990), L'ultimo nastro (1991), Lontano dal golfo (1991), Jean-Marie Straub, la resistenza del cinema (1991), Finale di partita (1992), Marzo 1973 - I giorni della Fiat (1993), Due o tre cose (1994), Aria di golpe (1994), Milano 25 aprile (1994), Mai tardi (1996), Anna Karina. Il volto della Nouvelle Vague (1996), Le parole sono importanti (1996), Jean-Marie Straub. Lezione di cinema (1998), Viaggio alla fine del mondo (dove le storie vanno a finire) (1998), Rosso/Askatasuna (a proposito di un primo maggio di guerra) (1999), Romeo & Giulietta. Il gioco del film (2000), Abdellah e i suoi fratelli (2000), Erri De Luca. Dopo Genova (filastrocche sgangherate) (2001), Libera terra (2002), Fiatamlet (2003) Variazioni (doc, 2004).


& Credits

Regia/Director: Armando Ceste
Soggetto/Story: Armando Ceste, liberamente tratto da Amleto di William Shakespeare
Sceneggiatura/Screenplay: Armando Ceste, Beppe Rosso
Fotografia/Director of photography: Armando Ceste, Adonella Marena
Montaggio/Film editor: Roberto Allegro
Suono/Sound: Arno Wagner
Interpreti/Cast: Beppe Rosso, Marco Revelli, Gabriele Vacis, Valentino Castellani, Giovanni Moretti, Angelo DíOrsi, Massimo Novelli, Sergio Cusani, Stefania Pepe, Giorgio Airaudo, Luca Rastello, Mimmo Polzella, Dayana Bellovino, Salvatore Brescia, Giovanni DíOnofrio, Enrica Recanati
Produzione/Production: AC/Cinema&Video