Eclipse of Cinema. All Film by Alexander Sokurov

I film della televisione di Gor'kij

The Films of Gork'ij

Year: 1971

The Films of Gor'kij Fragments from Avtomobil' nabiraet nadezhnost' (The Automobile Gains in Reliability), Posviashchenie bessonnym nocham (Dedicated to the Sleepless Nights), Znamenostsy (The Flag Bearers) and Posledniy den' nenastnogo leta (The Last Day of a Rainy Summer). These films were created by Sokurov before or during his VGIK student years for the regional TV of Gorki. He does not consider them a part of his filmography. These works were not to carry the proud name of documentary films. For their creators, they were just TV programs, and the people who worked on them most often were being given no distinction in the credits. These documents of the very origins of Sokurov give us a notion of his "pre-stylistic" period, where the personality of the future great filmmaker reveals itself in spite of means and circumstances.


& Credits

Equipe of Gor'kij Television