Special Screenings

Les escadrons de la mort - L'ecole française

The Death Squads - The French School

Country: France
Year: 2003
Duration: 60

For the first time, the South American generals responsible for the terror regime s of the 70's and 80's, who were involved in the multi-national secret organization Operation Condor, which was created to wipe out political opposers in their homelands and abroad, reveal to the camera, which is sometimes hidden, that they were trained by the French army. Techniques and methods, like torture or airplane rides full of prisoners and interrogators, which the French had perfected after their defeat in Indochina and during the war in Algeria; and which they also taught to American officers for the war in Vietnam.

"Oddly, references to the French military experience in Algeria seem absolutely clear to the South and North American journalists I contacted who were experts in the "Condor Plan". [...] I was most surprised when I found from a text by Patrice McSherry, an American historian, that it was just as important as the American experience to the genesis of South American dictatorships" (M.-M. Robin).


film director

Marie-Monique Robin

Marie-Monique Robin graduated in political science from the University of Saarbrücken, and received a further diploma from Strasburg's university of journalism. She has worked as a journalist and author of documentaries for the Capa agency (Chabalier & Associates Press Agency) from 1989 to 1999 and for the agency Point du jour from 1999 to 2001. She now works as a free-lance author. She has also written articles for "Libération", "Le Matin", "Figaro Magazine" and "Die Zeit". She has written and directed documentaries in Europe, Asia, Africa, South and North American and the Middle East.


Death Squadrons: The French School (mm, doc., Tv, 2003), Le Sixth Sense (mm, doc., 2002), L'Ere du soupcon (mm, doc., 2002), Escale a Cuba (cm, doc., 2002), Cuba: l'île aux tresors (mm, doc., 2002), Paroles d'agents (mm, 2002), Paroles de profs (mm, 2001), Domestic violence (doc., 2000), Paroles de flics (mm, doc., 2000), The 100 Images of The 20th Century (1998-2000), The Stade De France Stadium (1998), My Father Che (1997), La Faillite des paysans (1997), Eyes Snatchers (mm, 1995),The Theater of The Mules (mm, 1995), Cuba: History of a Myth (1994), Organ Snatchers (mm, 1993), Pollution on The Pacific Coast Of Peru (cm, 1992), Le Monde selon mon frere (mm, 1991), Italy: Apartheid In Southern Tyrol (cm, 1990), Mama Coca (cm, 1990), The Valley Of Longevity (cm, 1990), Cuba si, Cuba no (mm, TV, 1990), Cuba: Aids and Revolution (cm, 1989).


& Credits

Regia, soggetto, sceneggiatura/Director, story, screenplay: Marie-Monique Robin
Produzione, vendita all'estero/Production, foreign sales agent: Ideale Audience International