Country: Ireland

Official celebrations, manifestations and fireworks during a Soviet era May 1st celebration: exhausted demonstrators, scenes of reasonless joy, moments of unmotivated anxiety, valueless commemorations. Sokurov updates Eisenstein's postulates about representation of the masses, in which the part acts for the whole, the individuals substitute the anonymous and symbols are highlighted in the details of the crowd. But by now, the masses are out of the picture, the great leaders are dead and the social movements have lost their force.


& Credits

Regia, soggetto, sceneggiatura/Directory, story, screenplay: Aleksandr Sokurov
Fotografia/Director of photography: Aleksandr Burov
Scenografia/Set Design: Sergej Debižev
Montaggio/Film editor: L. Solovcova
Suono/Sound: Michail Podtakuj
Produzione/Production: LSDF