Chronicles of impeccable sportsmanship

Chronicles of impeccable sportsmanship
by Erika Tasini
Country: Italy, USA
Year: 2006
Duration: 7'

A little girl, her parents, their ball. The endless contentions between her competitive parents seen through the curious eyes of a perceptive little girl.

"The film is an experiment in rythm and storytelling. My primary goal was to externalize and dramatize a space which is interior, personal, imaginary. The little girl's subjectivity and her perception of her family universe completely fill every frame of this film [...]. I attempted to create a 'subjective prospective of the world' through a disjuntive editing that collapses categories of linear time and realistic space. Reality is portrayed as we see it, or rather, as the little girl see it. As a result the film attempts to go beyond the 'realistic' boundaries of cinema in order to represent a 'surreal' universe. Are they really playing a game? What is the film really about? What does the game stand for? I hope that the viewer will leave the theatre asking these questions, and will consequently find his/her own answers." (E. Tasini)


film director

Erika Tasini

Erika Tasini (Rimini, Italy) moved to the US in order to pursue her film-making career. Graduate of the MFA Directing Program at UCLA, she earned a BA in Comparative Literature from the University of Bologna and attended a screenwriting program in Paris. Her previous short The Burrow (2002) was awarded the Ascent Media Award in Sound Design and then Winter Sea (2004), screened at over 90 international film festival, among which Turin, winning 21 different awards. She recently ventured into theater direction. 


S (cm, 1999), Vermilion (cm, 2000), The Burrow (cm, 2002), Winter Sea (cm, 2004), M. Perfect (cm, 2004), Chronicles of Impeccable Sportsmanship (cm, 2006)




Best Italian Short Film
