Fotofinish 2

Fotofinish 2

Country: Italy
Year: 2006
Duration: 74'

Filmed during 2003, Odissea nello Spazio Zero inside the Teatro Spazio Zero in Rome, the film shows the theatrical play Fotofinish (2003), not as a single, continuative work, but as the actors’ evolution in time as, rehearsal after rehearsal, they mature their consciousness of space and experience the joys of the mis en scene. The narrator’s voice, which was recorded during one of the last rehearsals, is the perceptive illusion that leads the work toward a unitary state made of out-of-synch sounds and jumps in the perspective. The performer’s body changes and is shown in the early days, when it was round and sinuous, and in the end, when it is stripped of meat and flayed. It is the one constant element, indelible, that becomes once again the strident voice that doesn’t suffer the shame of time and fatigue.


film director

Antonio Rezza e Flavia Mastrella

Flavia Mastrella and Antonio Rezza, artists, writers, directors and actors in films, theater and television, have been working together since 1987. In 1991 they debuted with the short Suppietij. Their feature film Escoriandoli (1996) was selected in Venice and was followed by Delitto sul Po (2001). In 1998 Antonio Rezza published the novel Non cogito ergo digito, followed by Ti squamo (1999), while Flavia Mastrella exhibited her sculptures in various Italian galleries. Together they have made the television program Troppolitani (1999-2000) and directed the theatrical productions Prima che sia tutto bianco Fotofinish è in bianco e nero (2003).


Suppietij (cm, 1991), Confusus (cm, 1993), Torpore internazionale (cm, 1993), L’orrore di vivere (cm, 1993), Praeoccupatio (cm, 1993), De civitate rei (cm, 1994), Il piantone (cm, 1994), Evolutio (cm, 1994), Schizzopatia (cm, 1994), Fiorenzo (cm, 1994), Raptus (cm, 1994), Psicosi multipla (cm, 1994), Zero a zero (cm, 1994), Il telefonetto (cm, 1994), Represso (cm, 1994), Escoriandoli (1996), L’handicappato (cm, 1996), Virus (cm, 1997), Porte (cm, 1997), Fummo (cm, 1998), Michelangelo (cm, 1998), Turo (cm, 1999), Delitto sul Po (2001), Fotofinish 2 (2006)
