La mal'ombra


Country: Italy
Year: 2007
Duration: 70'

A year in the battle of the people of San Pietro, in the province of Vicenza. Starting in May 2006, on the day the Conference of Public Services gave the permission for construction work to begin on a zinc factory without taking its environmental impact into consideration. The film ends one year later with the administrative elections of June 2007, with the Lega Nord mayor, backed by the zinc factory and businessmen, pitted against the civic list that opposes the project.

“This film isn’t an investigation, it’s a story. It’s a story in reality and not about reality. The faces, the stories, the emotions of the people of San Pietro are intertwined with the arrogant silence of the institutions and the mechanical and productive silence of the zinc factory. […] The film describes the events carefully and precisely, but it also tries to go even further and discover, in this small story of a province in Veneto, the faces of a still-neglected side of Italy and the traces of a challenge that affects humanity as a whole: how can economic growth be reconciled with respect for quality and human dignity?”


film director

Francesco Cressati

was video assistant and backstage author for Holy Tongue (2000) by Carlo Mazzacurati and assistant director for Riding the Tiger (2002) by the same director. He and Andrea Segre have written and directed various documentaries.


Andrea Segre, Francesco Cressati:
Ka Drita? (coregia/codirector Elidon Lamani, Keti Dhimitri, Rada Cuci, Dritam Taulla, doc., 2001), A metà, storie tra Italia e Albania (doc., 2001), Marghera Canale Nord (doc., 2003), Checosamanca (doc. collettivo/collective doc., 2006), La mal’ombra (doc., 2007).

Andrea Segre

Andrea Segre (Dolvo, Venice, Italy, 1976) has a research doctorate in the sociology of communications from the University of Bologna. For ten years he has been making documentaries for television and cinema, in particular about migration. His major works include Marghera Canale Nord, which was selected for the 60TH Venice Film Festival, PIP49, an episode of the project Che cosa manca, A sud di Lampedusa, La mal’ombra, which competed at the 2007 Torino Film Festival, and Come un uomo sulla terra, a finalist for the David di Donatello in 2008. He is now developing his first fiction film, Shun Li e il Poeta, whose screenplay won the prize for Best European Project at the 2008 Rome Film Festival and was selected at the Atelier of the Cannes Film Festival in 2009. He is also the founder of the ZaLab association.


Lo sterminio dei popoli zingari (doc., 1997), Berlino 1999, il muro nella testa (doc., 1999), Marghera Canale Nord (coregia/codirector Francesco Cressati, doc., 2003), Pip49 (cm, doc., 2006), Dio era un musicista (doc., 2004), La mal’ombra (doc., 2007), Come un uomo sulla terra (doc., 2008).


& Credits

regia/director Andrea Segre, Francesco Cressati
soggetto/story Andrea Segre, Cosimo Calamini
sceneggiatura, fotografia/screenplay, director of photography Andrea Segre
montaggio/film editor Sara Zavarise, Paolo Cottignola
musica/music Piccola Bottega Baltazar
suono/sound Diego Piotto
interpreti/cast Giacinto Bellino, Raffaello Baggio, Sante Bertin, Daniele Pasinato, Lucrezia Tosin, Lorenzo Signori, Stefano Zulian
produttore/producer Francesco Bonsembiante
produzione, distribuzione/production, distribution Jolefilm



