
Milky Way
by Benedek Fliegauf
Country: Hungary, Germany
Year: 2007
Duration: 82'

A dozen sequence shots set in different places – a prairie by night, the edge of a road, a courtyard enclosed by buildings, a public restroom –inhabited by human beings who look and act bizarre. These images, forming a real tableau vivant, render the sublime architecture of nature and of the city. Together with the music that is mixed with sounds (breaths, water, motors, bird calls) and through a very careful use of photography, the images create a sensorial experience transcending the use of words.

“It’s a staggering experience to watch your own film for the first time. During the opening minutes, I felt like I was watching my own private cosmos. Then, after time, I had the feeling that Tejut belongs to us humans. In the last third of the film, however, I understood that this question was meaningless. There is no difference between an inner and outer world. Both are one and the same. […] I think this film quiets the mind. […] Tejut is a peculiar nature film, where instead of giraffes and penguins, we see humans.”


film director

Benedek Fliegauf

(Budapest, 1974) works as a director, scriptwriter and sound engineer. Considered one of the best filmmakers among the new generation of Hungarian artists, he has made shorts and feature films, both documentary and fiction, which obtained recognition on the international festival circuit. In 2003 Forest won the Wolfgang Staute Prize at the Berlin Festival, and Best Young Director at Hungarian Film Week as well as the Jury Prize at Lagów. In 2004 Dealer also won awards at over fifteen prestigious festivals including Berlin, Budapest, Montevideo, Athens and Paris.


Határvonal (Border Line, doc., 2000), Beszélö fejek (Talking Heads, cm, 2001), Hypnos (cm, 2001), Van élet a halál elött? (Is There Life Before Death?, doc., 2001), Rengeteg (Forest, 2003), A sor (The Line, cm, 2003), Dealer (2004), Pörgés (Trance, cm, 2005), Tejút (Milky Way, 2007).


& Credits

regia, soggetto, sceneggiatura/director, story, screenplay Benedek Fliegauf
fotografia/director of photography Gergely Pohárnok, Ádám Fillenz
scenografia, costumi, musica/set design, costume design, music Benedek Fliegauf, Raptors’ Kollektíva
montaggio/film editor Sára Czira, Katalin Mészáros
suono/sound Tamás Beke, Gábor Komlódi
interpreti/cast Péter Balázs, Barbara Balogh, Sándor Balogh, László Benedek, Jenö Bodrogi, János Breckl, Danny Barnes, Károly Domonkos, Tamás Kaiser, Felícián Keresztes, Benjámin Keszi, Kati Kóti, Lia Léderer, Rebeka Lukács, Zsolt Márta, Katalin Mészáros, István Pacza, Kornél Payer, Ákos Sinka, Barbara Thurzó, Péter Tomaj, Tekla Uszkay, Zsömi
produttore/producer András Muhi, Mónika Mécs, Ernö Mesterházy
produzione, distribuzione/production, distribution Inforg Studio
coproduttore/coproducer Sándor SOEth, György Durst
coproduzione/coproduction Duna Workshop, Intuit Pictures GmbH, M&M Film