Country: Kazakhstan
Year: 2007
Duration: 118\'

Poland, 1940. The Red Army has already crossed the eastern border
and more than 250.000 Polish officers and soldiers have been caught
and confined to prison camps. The population was escaping in the grip
of the Soviets and the Nazis who had decided to divide central Europe
with each other. At the same time the Soviet Commissariat for Internal
Affairs gave the order to kill 15.000 Polish war prisoners, who were
buried in the mass graves by the forest of Katy?. The relatives of the
murdered soldiers still hoped for their return, but they came up against
the silence and the lies which surrounded the massacre.

“I see my film about Katy? as a story of a family separated forever.
In a word, a film about individual suffering, which evokes images
of much greater emotional content than naked historical facts.
A film that shows the terrible truth that hurts, whose characters
are not the murdered officers, but women who wait their return
every day, every hour, suffering inhuman uncertainty.”


film director

Andrzej Wajda

Andrzej Wajda (Suwałki, Poland, 1926) moved to Krakow in 1946 and studied
painting at the Academy of Art. Between 1950 and 1954 he studied direction at the Łódź Film School. In 1954 he debuted as a feature film director with A Generation, the first part of a trilogy about life in Poland during the Second World War. In 1981 he was
awarded the Golden Palm at the Cannes Film Festival with the film Man of Iron, which goes deeper into the inquiry, begun in 1977 with Man of Marble, about the manipulations
carried out by the propaganda of the Polish regime.


Zły chłopiec (cm, 1950), Ceramika ilzecka (cm, 1951), Pokolenie (A Generation, 1954), Kanał (1957), Popiół i diament (Ashes and Diamonds, 1957), Lotna (1959), Sibirska Ledi Makbet (Siberian Lady Macbeth, 1962), L’Amour a vingt ans (ep. Warszawa; L’amore a vent’anni, ep. Varsavia, 1962), Gates to Paradise (1968), Polowanie na muchy (Caccia alle mosche, 1969), Krajobraz po bitwie (Il paesaggio dopo la battaglia, 1970), Ziemia Obiecana (La terra della grande promessa, 1975), Człowiek z marmuru (L’uomo di marmo, 1977), Panny z Wilka (Le signorine di Wilko, 1979), Człowiek z żelaza (L’uomo di ferro, 1981), Danton (1982), Les Possédés (Dostoevskij - I demoni, 1987), Nastasya
(1994), Pan Tadeusz (Pan Tadeusz: The Last Foray in Lithuania, 1999), Zemsta (The Revenge, 2002), Katyń (Katyn, 2007).


& Credits

regia/director Andrzej Wajda
soggetto/story dal romanzo/from the novel Postmortem di/by Andrzej Mularczyk
sceneggiatura/screenplay Andrzej Wajda, Przemys?aw Nowakowski, W?adys?aw Pasikowski
fotografia/cinematography Pawe? Edelman
montaggio/film editing Milenia Fiedler, Rafa? Listopad
scenografia/production design Kamil Prze??cki
costumi/costume design Magdalena Biedrzycka
musica/music Krzysztof Penderecki
suono/sound Jacek Hamela, Leszek Freund, Marek Wronko
interpreti e personaggi/cast and characters
Maja Ostaszewska (Anna), Artur ?mijewski (Andrzej), Andrzej Chyra (Jerzy), Danuta Stenka (la moglie del generale/General’s Wife), Jan Englert (il generale/General), Magdalena Cielecka (Agnieszka), Pawe? Ma?aszy?ski (il tenente/Lieutenant)
produttore/producer Micha? Kwiecinski
produzione/production Akson Studio
coproduzione/coproduction Telewizja Polska S.A., Telekomunikacja S.A.
distribuzione/distribution Movimento Film
vendita all’estero/world sales TVP SA