Country: Italy
Year: 2008
Duration: 96'

In Gorgiti, a mountain town in Tuscany, Carlo and Grazia spend every
night baking bread in their wood-burning stove for retailers: it’s a family
tradition. In Centocelle, on the outskirts of Rome beyond piazza delle
Camelie, a few young people pass moments of their life together.
Parallel existences in far-flung and dissimilar universes in today’s Italy,
opposites in the generational turnover that are perhaps irreconcilable
as well.

“On the one hand, it is a film about primary things that are handed
down and about others that are not. Making bread the old-fashioned
way, in the country: the film chronicles it with the real protagonists.
Then there is the city, young people, the actors: we tend toward
fiction. The film is an attempt to explore our present and a few
of its contradictions, in the contrast between old and new, from one
generation to another. I find the distinction between documentary
and fiction artificial; my borderline nature often leads me in search
of possible areas to stray across. I dedicate the film to my parents
(loved and betrayed) and to the young (with loyalty).”


film director

Tonino De Bernardi

(Chivasso, Turin, Italy, 1937) was an underground filmmaker from 1967 to 1983. He shot his first “official” feature in 1987: the film Elettra (based on Sophocles’ tragedy), produced by RAI3, involved the participation of non-professional actors from Casalborgone, where he worked as a middle school teacher until 1992. Viaggio a Sodoma (1988) was the co-winner, with Jean-Luc Godard’s film, of the World Wide Video Festival in Den Hag. He participated at the Venice Film Festival in competition with Appassionate (1999), and in Orizzonti with Médée miracle (2007), starring Isabelle Huppert. A restless filmmaker overflowing with projects, he makes at least a film a year. In 2018, together with his wife Mariella, he’s also protagonist of Teresa Villaverde’s O termómetro de Galileu, presented at TFF, in Onde section, just like many others films of De Bernardis'.


Dei (1968-1969), Il quadrato (1971-1972), Il rapporto coniugal parentale (1973-1976), L’io e le aggregazioni (1977-1979), Donne (1980-1982), Viaggio a Sodoma (1988), Piccoli orrori (1994), Fiori del destino (1997), Appassionate (1999), Rosatigre (2000), La strada nel bosco (2001), Farelavita (2001), Lei (2002), Le cinéma dans tous ses états (ep. Terra, cm, 2002), Serva e padrona (2003), Latitudini (2003), Marlene de Sousa (2004), Passato presente (2005), Accoltellati (Accoltellatori) (2006), Médée miracle (2007), Pane/Piazza delle camelie (2008), Butterfly - L’attesa (2010), Ed è così. Circa. Più o meno (2011), Casa dolce casa (2012), Hotel de l’Univers (2013), Jour et nuit - Delle donne e degli uomini perduti (2014), Il sogno dell’India - Quarant’anni dopo (2015), Ifigenia in Aulide (2018), Resurrezione (2019), Ou n'etes vous? (mm, 2022), Universi circoscritti 2 (2022).


& Credits

regia, soggetto, sceneggiatura, fotografia/director, story, screenplay, cinematography Tonino De Bernardi
montaggio/film editing Silvia Palermo
musica/music Véronique Bouteille
suono/sound Gianluca Stazi
Chiara Pauluzzi, Fulvio Baglivi, Chiara Cocolini, Carlo Cocolini, Véronique Bouteille, Cristina Brugnano, Giulietta De Bernardi, Pia de Silvestris, Adamo Vergine, Tessi Momo,
Cate Momo, Tommy Momo
produzione/production Lontane Province Film