by Gábor Reisz
Country: Hungary, France
Year: 2018
Duration: 90'

Thirty-three-year-old Tamás has just had his heart shattered by his girlfriend, Anna. In Paris, of all places. So Tamás returns to Budapest, devastated and confused. He tries to process his sorrow by recalling his childhood memories and trying to understand this happened to him. The memories erupting inside Tamás and it seems that his present suffering is a consequence of events from the past. Tamás’ characters of various ages appear before him and reflect with humorous self-irony upon his past and present behavior.


film director

Gábor Reisz

Gábor Reisz (Budapest, Hungary, 1980) started his studies at the Hungarian University of P.E. and went on to Loránd Eötvös University on film theory and film history. He won a place at University of Theatre and Film, Budapest as a film and television director in 2006. He made a lot of short movies in the school as writer and director. For Some Inexplicable Reason (Van valami furcsa és megmagyarázhatatlan, 2014), his debut feature film, won the Special Jury Prize and the Audience Award at 32th Torino Film Festival. Bad Poems (Rossz Versek) is his second feature film.


Tóth Árpád: Hajnali szerenád (cm, 2003), Ritmus (cm, 2005), Alma a paradicsomban (cm, 2005), Meglét (cm, 2006), Koncz Zsuzsa: Április hónapja (cm, 2006), A tagadás oka, oszintén (The Reason of Denial, Honestly, cm, 2006), 8 (cm, 2007), Jót és semmit (Nothing and Good Documentary, cm, 2007), Oltozo (Changing-Room, cm, 2008), Valakinek a valamije (Somebody’s Something, cm, 2009), Judith Keith (cm, 2010), Külalak (On a Lower Level, cm, 2011), Peter (cm, 2013), Van valami furcsa és megmagyarázhatatlan (For Some Inexplicable Reason, 2014), Rossz versek (Bad Poems, 2018).


film director

“I sat down three and a half years ago to write the script of Bad Poems. Back then, I noticed that reality was being flooded more and more with digital images, and that every simple tourist was mindlessly archiving memories. […] My emotional career (if such a thing exists) was in a huge crisis, and I soon noticed that I was writing my childhood memories down in the script as a form of therapy. The combination of these two launched the film’s basic starting point. […] The memories came to me in an associative way, and I searched for some kind of invisible connection in them.”


& Credits

regia, sceneggiatura/director, screenplay
Gábor Reisz
Dániel Bálint, Kristóf Becsey
montaggio/film editing
Zsófia Tálas
scenografia/production design
Zsófia Tasnádi
András Kálmán, Gábor Reisz, András Koroknay, Lóránt Csorba
Péter Benjámin Lukács, Tamás Székely
interpreti e personaggi/cast and characters
Gábor Reisz (Tamás Merthner a 33 anni/at 33), Donát Seres (Tamás a 18 anni/at 18), Mátyás Prukner (Tamás a 14 anni/at 14), Barnabás Prukner (Tamás a 7 anni/at 7), Zsolt Kovács (il padre/father), Lili Monori (Vali), Katalin Takács (la madre/mother), Katica Nagy    (Anna Csák), Niels Schneider (Henri)
Proton Cinema Kft.
Les films du balibari

Proton Cinema Kft.
Juli Berkes