Country: Italy
Year: 1983
Duration: 25'

The love stories of three women of different ages reveal three very different eras, worlds, and realities. An eighty-year-old recounts WWI, as she talks about her one love, her husband, a Carabinieri colonel; fate kept them apart for twenty years before they were reunited. A fifty-year-old talks about the economic boom of the post-WWII period, when it seemed as though everything in Italy could change; she describes commitment, politics, her children, the disappointments of the 1970s, finding herself alone again with her husband. And then there is a twenty-five-year-old, who describes her attempts at personal realization, not through love but through her work as an obstetrician. Three generations with the same ability to confront life with courage and passion.


film director

Giacomo Campiotti

Giacomo Campiotti (Varese, Italy, 1957), a student at Ipotesi Cinema, the school founded by Ermanno Olmi at Bassano del Grappa, was first an assistant and then an assistant director of Mario Monicelli. After making a series of short films, in 1990 he presented his first feature film, Corsa di primavera, at the Giffoni Film Festival, winning best film. In 2002, he debuted in TV with the miniseries Doctor Zhivago. He directed the shorts Tre donne (1983), La bomba (1985) and Ritorno dal cinema (1986) for Ermanno Olmi and Rai.


Tre donne (cm, 1983), La bomba (cm, 1985), Ritorno dal cinema (cm, 1986), Corsa di primavera (1990), Come due coccodrilli (1993), Ritratti d’autore (serie tv/tv series, ep. Ermanno Olmi, doc., 1996), Il tempo dell’amore (1999), Quasi d’amore (cm, 2000) Zivago (serie tv/tv series, ep., 2002), Mai + come prima (2005), L’amore e la guerra (tv, 2007), Giuseppe Moscati (serie tv/tv series, ep., 2007), Bakhita (serie tv/tv series, ep., 2009), Il sorteggio (2010), Preferisco il paradiso (serie tv/tv series, ep., 2010), La figlia del capitano (serie tv/tv series, ep., 2012), Maria di Nazareth (serie tv/tv series, ep., 2012), Bianca come il latte, rossa come il sangue (2013), Non è mai troppo tardi (serie tv/tv series, ep., 2014), Braccialetti rossi (serie tv/tv series, ep., 2014).


& Credits

Giacomo Campiotti
Fabrizio Borelli
montaggio/film editing
Roberto Missiroli

Rai Teche