After living in Argentina for 40 years, Roberto, an author who has gone blind, returns to Naples when his mother dies. With his brother Lorenzo, a musician manqué, he takes a trip through his memories in the city of his childhood, which he can no longer see but only perceive through his remaining senses, his memories, and his imagination, in search of the tragic reason behind his departure.
film director
Marco Chiappetta
(Naples, 1991) graduated in humanities from the University of Naples Federico II and in film from the Université Paris VII - Diderot. He has been making short films since he was 17 and has directed various backstages of movies and TV series for productions by Warner Bros and Disney, among others. Santa Lucia is his first fiction feature film.
Anna Ivanova (cm, 2009), Canto di Natale (cm, 2010), Kindergarten (cm, 2011), Elle (cm, 2012), Eva (cm, 2013), Una questione di vita o di morte (cm, 2013), Giallo (cm, 2014), Lisboa Antiga (cm, 2015), L’étranger (cm, 2015), Un giorno nella vita (cm, 2016), Video Virale (cm, 2020), The View From The Window (cm, 2020), Locked Out (cm, 2020), Santa Lucia (2021).
film director
“What happens if, after a long exile, a man returns to his hometown, to the places of his life, and can no longer see them? How can a blind man distinguish between reality and his dreams and memories? The idea of the movie is to recount the journey into the past of a man without a future, the point of view of a blind man who can no longer see but can only feel with his other senses, imagine, remember. A blindness that is more metaphoric and poetic than physical. The city Roberto walks through in the company of his brother Lorenzo is an unusual and timeless Naples, gloomy, spectral, abandoned, and threatening, like an enormous, silent cemetery, only populated by ghosts and the visions of a long-ago past, both marvelous and terrible.”
& Credits
CONTACT: Teatri Uniti - Angelo Curti