by Alain Cavalier
Country: France
Year: 2022
Duration: 124'

“I have on occasion experienced filmmaking as an intensely shared activity. Lively friendships result and remain. Filming that affection today is no act of nostalgia. Paths once crossed make things simple. People who have been behind the camera, or in front of it, giving the movie their all, are without illusion.”


film director

Alain Cavalier

(Vendôme, France, 1931), after receiving his film degree in Paris and working as an assistant to Louis Malle and Édouard Molinaro, debuted as a director in 1958 with the short film L’Américain. Three years later, he started his eclectic series of feature films by directing Romy Schneider and Jean-Louis Trintignant in Le combat dans l’île (1962). In 1987, Thérèse (about the life of Saint Therese of Lisieux) won Césars for best film, best director and best screenplay. He then began concentrating on the relationship between fiction and documentary and his film Vies (2000) won the Festival of Karlovy Vary. Irène (2009), a film diary that pays tribute to his deceased wife, was followed by Pater, which competed at the 2011 Cannes Film Festival and the was selected also by TFF, and by a series of portraits of ordinary people – mostly friends and acquaintances of the director – In documentary form. In 2019 he presented Etre vivant et le savoir again at Cannes.


L’Américain (cm, 1958), Le combat dans l’île (Gli amanti dell’isola, 1961), L’insoumis (Il ribelle di Algeri, 1964), La vie de chateau (L’armata sul sofà, 1965), Mise à sac (Una notte per 5 rapine, 1967), La chamade (id., 1968), Le plein de super (1976), Martin et Léa (1979), Ce répondeur ne prend pas de messages (1979), Un étrange voyage (1981), Thérèse (id., 1986), 24 portraits (1987-1990), Libera me (1993), La rencontre (1996), Vies (doc, 2000), René (2002), La filmeur (2005), Irène (2009), Pater (2011), Le paradis (2014), Le Caravage (2015), Six portraits XL (2017), Être vivant et le savoir (2019), L’amitié (2022).


& Credits

DIRECTOR: Alain Cavalier. COLLABORATION: Françoise Widhoff. PRODUCERS: Michel & Juliette Seydoux. PRODUCTION: Camera One.

CONTACT: Camera One - Carine Lelièvre contact@camera-one.com