Country: Italy
Year: 1987
Duration: 6'40''


film director

Sergio Fergnachino

Sergio Fergnachino (Chieri, Turin, 1962) studied cinema at Turin University. In 1987 he has his debut as film Director and cameraman for production company Euresis. Since 1992 he has been working as free lance making documentaries and promos. He also worked for several language and audiovisual communication projects in the educational field. Together with Massimo Arvat and Emiliano Darchini they lead the educational projects for Zenit Arti Audiovisive.


Le autostrade del duemila per la Pubblica Amministrazione (1998), Urban Foggia il percorso di una città (1998), Opera (1999), Un lavoro è possibile (doc, 2001), Occasione più (2001), Antichi mestieri, giovani artigiani (doc, 2002).

Lorenzo Chiabrera


& Credits

Regia, sceneggiatura, fotografia e montaggio: Sergio Fergnachino, Lorenzo Chiabrera.
Music: Edgar Varese, Ludwig van Beethoven.
Cast: Cathérine Otey Amold, Steward Amold, Philiph Radice del Dizziacs Theater Co.
Production company and Italian distribution: Visi Celati Film, Via Mercandilli 4, Chieri (Torino).