Country: Italy
Year: 1991
Duration: 25'

After completing all his "missions", the black man, legendary figure of the world of children, goes to visit a bedridden girl stricken by a mysterious ailment in order to tell her of his deeds. As the nights go by the encounters become more and more involving and the two characters begin Io exchange roles, until they reach a surprise ending that unveils the girl's true personality.


film director

Marco Gasparino

Marco Gasparino (Turin, 1965) founded the video and film production house, Opossum Film, 1989. For it, he made the videos - Dr. Bloody (1990), Night and Day (1991), Ancestral (1992), Bloblynch (1993) and Returnhead (1993). Since 1990 he has studied at Ipotesi Cinema, directed by Ermanno Olmi, for which he directed the short films - Saorge paese occitano (1991) and Il bastoncino bianco (1992). He is planning a feature film for the upcoming year.


& Credits

Regia, fotografia e montaggio: Marco Gasparino.
Screenplay: Cristiana Astori.
Sound: Marco Gasparino, Luca Campominosi.
Cast: Maurizio Farinasso, Cristina Sordella, Chiara Negroni, Davide Della Nina.
Production company: Opossum Film, via Boccaccio 10, Torino, tel. 8192846.