Country: Italy
Year: 1991
Duration: 32'

A videomontage of pieces of films and documentaries whose original sound has been replaced by a sound track made from selections from artists and composers working in contemporary and industrial music. This is almost a kind of music video or offensive "Blob". The music is matched with the images and the images are matched with each other in order to set up a sequence which illustrates that the image can be used and manipulated as an instrument for the control and conditioning of people.


film director

Terapia Dura

Toni Cominu, Tony D'Agruma, René Gambino and Hermes Mazzucco make up Terapia Dura (Hard Therapy), an industrial music band formed in 1989. Sorvegliare e punire is the group's first video.


& Credits

Regia, sceneggiatura, suono e montaggio: Terapia Dura.
Production company: Und Aron & Terapia Dura, c/o Tony D'Agruma, via Venaria 62, Torino, tel. 294686.