Country: Italy
Year: 1992
Duration: 58'

The existential unease of a woman over the range of twenty years. The protagonist is always searching for strong emotions, setting up situations, and living through exasperated emotions.


film director

Tamara Bellone

Tamara Bellone (Turin, 1952) presented the videos Mio caro Alexis, tua Monique (1991, co-directed with Rosalina Tonon) and L'amicizia del male (1992) at the last Turin Film Festival.


& Credits

Director: Tamara Bellone.
Screenplay: Maria Piera Tacchino.
Director of photography: Maurizio Onofrio.
Musica e suono: Giancarlo Robiglio .
Editor: Liviano Zecchi.
Cast: James Trevor Brookes, Valeria Minucciani, Francesca Minucciani, Bruno Pacitto, Franco Puglisi, Enrico Del Bianco, Angelo Falcone, Marco Scabbia, Giulia Natale.
Production company: Zeta Video, via Don Minzoni 8, Vinovo (TO), tel. 9652978.