Country: Italy
Year: 1991
Duration: 8'

Animated film adaptation of Mario Lodi's short story, with the addition of some parts invented by the children.


film director

Laboratorio Comunale dell'Immagine

The Laboratorio dell'Immagine (via MilIelire 40, Turin) was established at the beginning of 1978 as a workshop of the A.Cairoli elementary school as part of an intiative in favor of a district "at risk" South Mirafiori (the area around via Artom). The Laboratorio is part of the city Department of Education. It produces audiovisual materials and runs workshops for elementary and middle school students. Its consultation service centered on education in reference to the image is offered to teachers, parents, students, and managers of public and private structures and services (districts, schools, associations, cooperatives, laboratories, etc.).
Elio Mosso (1956) has been working with the Laboratorio since 1978.


& Credits

Sceneggiatura e fotografia: classe III scuola elementare Parato e classi IV scuola elementare Salvemini.
Editor: insegnanti del Laboratorio.
Production company: Laboratorio Comunale dell'Immagine, via Millelire 40, Torino, tel. 6064937