Country: Italy
Year: 1992
Duration: 25'

"In this film every person (or character) says that ho or she is a certain bird, but this may not be true after all, because every one of them in the meantime keeps on being, or appearing to be, a person. And, meanwhile, there is someone who is searching for real birds the kind that fly. (Where have they all gone?) This is the film of utopia. It is also the cinema of Utopia. This is the film of he who searches. It is a search into the making of film. In regard to its production, the film originated with the money that 100 people gave me 100 friends of mine. It was money that I, 'in my searching', had been asking for. And even now I'm still searching... As for the rest, the film mirrors my idea of cinema and if I was successful my idea of the world. I love the cinema, because I tend to love to live. (And maybe someone else said this I don't remember who). But I don't love to make 'films'". (Tonino De Bernardi)


film director

Tonino De Bernardi

(Chivasso, Turin, Italy, 1937) was an underground filmmaker from 1967 to 1983. He shot his first “official” feature in 1987: the film Elettra (based on Sophocles’ tragedy), produced by RAI3, involved the participation of non-professional actors from Casalborgone, where he worked as a middle school teacher until 1992. Viaggio a Sodoma (1988) was the co-winner, with Jean-Luc Godard’s film, of the World Wide Video Festival in Den Hag. He participated at the Venice Film Festival in competition with Appassionate (1999), and in Orizzonti with Médée miracle (2007), starring Isabelle Huppert. A restless filmmaker overflowing with projects, he makes at least a film a year. In 2018, together with his wife Mariella, he’s also protagonist of Teresa Villaverde’s O termómetro de Galileu, presented at TFF, in Onde section, just like many others films of De Bernardis'.


Dei (1968-1969), Il quadrato (1971-1972), Il rapporto coniugal parentale (1973-1976), L’io e le aggregazioni (1977-1979), Donne (1980-1982), Viaggio a Sodoma (1988), Piccoli orrori (1994), Fiori del destino (1997), Appassionate (1999), Rosatigre (2000), La strada nel bosco (2001), Farelavita (2001), Lei (2002), Le cinéma dans tous ses états (ep. Terra, cm, 2002), Serva e padrona (2003), Latitudini (2003), Marlene de Sousa (2004), Passato presente (2005), Accoltellati (Accoltellatori) (2006), Médée miracle (2007), Pane/Piazza delle camelie (2008), Butterfly - L’attesa (2010), Ed è così. Circa. Più o meno (2011), Casa dolce casa (2012), Hotel de l’Univers (2013), Jour et nuit - Delle donne e degli uomini perduti (2014), Il sogno dell’India - Quarant’anni dopo (2015), Ifigenia in Aulide (2018), Resurrezione (2019), Ou n'etes vous? (mm, 2022), Universi circoscritti 2 (2022).


& Credits

Regia, sceneggiatura e fotografia: Tonino De Bernardi.
Sound: Stefano Francia.
Editor: Stefano Francia, Mario Benvenuti.
Cast: Bruce Le Bruce, Giulietta De Bernardi, Veronica De Bernardi, Alberto Castelli, Donatella Musso, Sara Cabras, Cristina Crovella, Beatrice.
Production company: Tonino De Bernardi, strada S. Maria 2, Casalborgone (TO), tel. 9174495.