Regional Competition 1994


by Andrea Grosso, Enrico Maria Orsi, Marco Schembri
Country: Italy
Year: 1994
Duration: 22'

Tim is a dissatisfied, romantic, and lonely man who works in an architectural studio and has been waiting all his life for a romantic adventure like those in the movies, Meanwhile, he has ignored every real chance of an adventure that he ever ran across. One day a funny little man named Mr. Groo, rang his doorbell and offered him the services of his firm, Encounters with the Prompter, and promising him romantic adventures presented in away that they seem to be offered just by chance. The system is based on a gaudy pin with a micro-transistor inside, the workings of which are strictly controlled by Mr. Groo. In the days that follow, thanks to the pin, Tim meets different young women, but he quickly realizes the falsity of the situation. He is disgusted by the absence of romanticism and runs away. The following days are flat and boring, and Tim is more and more depressed. One evening as he is returning home from his office, a hat flying in the wind catches his attention and guides him to the feet of a beautiful young woman. The atmosphere around the both of them is unreal and very romantic. And the dialogue is more sincere than those that took place before. The hat stays by the feet of the couple, but starts to rolls away again. Mr. Groo takes up his hat and goes away.


film director

Andrea Grosso

Andrea Grosso (Turin, 1969), Enrico Maria Orsi (Turin, 1969) and Marco Schembri (Turin, 1970) are engineering students at the Politecnico in Turin. Their activity in the field of video began in 1989 with Bestiaman and continued in 1992 with Dossier Napier, presented at the tenth Turin Film Festival.

Enrico Maria Orsi

Enrico Maria Orsi (Turin, Italy, 1969) holds a degree in engineering and lives in Turin.


Enrico Maria Orsi: Dossier Napier (coregia/codirector Mativa Tifaga, cm, 1992), Flanella Grigia (coregia/codirector Mativa Tifaga, cm, 1994), 00:00:01 (coregia/codirector Mativa Tifaga, cm, 1996), 1+1 (coregia/codirector Mativa Tifaga, cm, 2005).

 Riccardo Tagliapietra, Enrico Maria Orsi: Inchiostro nell’acqua (cm, 2012).

Marco Schembri

Andrea Grosso (Turin, 1969), Enrico Maria Orsi (Turin, 1969) and Marco Schembri (Turin, 1970) are engineering students at the Politecnico in Turin. Their activity in the field of video began in 1989 with Bestiaman and continued in 1992 with Dossier Napier, presented at the tenth Turin Film Festival.


& Credits

Director, screenplay and editor: Andrea Grosso, Enrico Maria Orsi, Marco Schembri.
Plot: Marco Schembri, ispirato a Grey Flannel Armor di Robert Sheckley.
Music: Andrea Ferrero Merlino.
Sound: Alberto Giordano, Enrico Maria Orsi, Marco Schembri.
Cast: Paolo Micheletti, Andrea Natale, Giulio Montevecchi, Marina Schembri, Andrea Lioy, Elena Genova, Andreina Bruno, Simona Verardini.
Production company: Mativa Tifaga, c/o Schembri, via Saluzzo 56, 10125 Torino, tel. +39-011-6505136.




Third Prize
