Country: Italy
Year: 1994
Duration: 10'

A trip, a friendship, a scheming together of two young women who want to control their own destiny now that they have jump started into their twenties and it is the time to fly with the right wind. It is the right moment to challenge success and pursue it through the streets in the midst of people and music.


film director

Valeria Magnoni

Valeria Magnoni (Torino, 1971) graduated from a scientific high school and is now enrolled in DAMS at Bologna. In 1991 she participated in a workshop in circus arts in Cologne set up by the city of Turin. Along with her fellow students, she then founded the amateur street theater group, "Latibialoblu" in which she participated in various show series and events organized by the city of Turin and other agencies. In 1991-92 she participated in a professional course, New Technologies Applied to the Field of the Spectacle, organized by CRUT where she obtained a certificate as director-programer. In the summer of 1992 she took a course in film production at Boston University. She had several experiences as a walk-on and as a cameraperson. In 1994 she participated in a workshop organized by the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts of London, where she obtained a Shakespeare Workshop Certificate, as well as the workshop in clowning entitled Discover the Clown in You with Jango Edwards.

Luisa Iemma

Luisa Iemma (Cuneo, 1970) received her diploma in Art Direction at the Albertina Academy of Fine Arts in Turin in 1991. In 1993 she attended the Studio School of Stage Design in Jersey City (USA). She constructed scenery and scenic objects for Red Grooms' The Burning Building and Hot Water, which were shown at the Turin exhibit, American Utopia: Cinema, Theater Television. She worked in Red Grooms' New York studio in the making of a series of painting, scuIpture, and animation projects.


& Credits

Director and screenplay: Valeria Magnoni, Luisa Iemma.
Director of photography: Peppo Rapisarda.
Suono e montaggio: Sergio Giglio.
Cast: Luisa Iemma, Valeria Magnoni.
Production company and Italian distribution: Cooperativa Animazione Valdocco, via Bognanco 5, 10121 Torino, tel.+39-011-4363163, fax +39-011-4362995.