Country: Italy
Year: 1994
Duration: 17'

Two stories of equal length, whose first parts present an apparently clear situation. This is then overturned and shown to be only a virtual reality. Illusion and self-illusion are, in fact, elements present in everyone's life. Virtual reality is a dimension that is more and more important in the contemporary world.


film director

Dario Lavelli

Dario Lavelli (Turin, 1971) is a modem literature student at the University of Turin. He participated in the eleventh Turin Film Festival with the video, Gli occhi dell'arcano e Maschere.


& Credits

Regia, sceneggiatura, fotografia, suono, montaggio: Dario Lavelli.
Music: Louis Armstrong, George Gershwin.
Cast: Claudio Faletti, Franca Ferrero.
Production company and Italian distribution: Dario Lavelli, via Moris 2, 10122 Torino, tel. +39-011-4364296.