Country: Italy
Year: 1993
Duration: 45'

Although Andrea is young, he is deeply dissatisfied with his own life, but an unusual fate allows him to adjust things. In fact, he meets a Genie who comes from another dimension and makes him able to make his dreams come true. Andrea expresses the wish to be able to do to other people what he wants to do. The Genie satisfies him. while advising him that the consequences of his actions are irreversible. Andrea is not able to manage this incredible power constructively. He causes a series of troubles and loses the esteem of people who were close to him. When he realizes that he has not reached happiness and his wished-for satisfaction at all, he comes to the conclusion that he has to look for happiness and satisfaction in himself and that his own will to change things is his only true "power".


film director

Selene Nania

Selene Nania (Pinerolo, 1962) made If I Could... out of her curiosity to put into practice some of the ideas about film that she learned in the readings and seminars that she had attended at the Archimedes Center of Visual Arts in Turin.


& Credits

Director and screenplay: Selene Nania.
Fotografia e montaggio: Antonello Longo.
Music: Beppe Saroglia.
Sound: Antonello Longo, Silvia Costa.
Cast: Danilo Vasco, Roberto Costantino, Simona Nania, Silvia Costa, Luigi Grosso, Paolo Tschudin, Mimmo Casilli, Rossella Valero, Riccardo Papurello, Paola Nania, Sabina Violante, Giorgio Conti, Cristina De.
Production company: Longo/Nania, via Alfieri 5, 10064 Pinerolo (TO), tel. +39-0121-74685.