Retrospective - The Birth of The Cinema In Africa

Things Fall Apart

Bullfrog in the sun
by Hans Jürgen Pohland
Country: GFR, Nigeria
Year: 1197

Three generations of Nigerians in conflict with the white man. A large part of the film concerns the secession of Biafra. Obi Okonkwo, a Nigerian of the Ibo ethnic group, an adventurous idealist, tries to prevent the genocide of his people and fights against the laws of tradition that would prevent him marrying his fiancée, who comes from another ethnic group. Through a radio programme, Obi warns his people of the corruption rife in the political class and is accused of treason. A military coup releases him in time to flee eastwards and take part in the civil war. The happy ending with the two lovers being reunited is the revenge for the dramatic story of Obi's grandfather, whose fight against colonialism had ended in tragedy.


film director

Hans Jürgen Pohland


& Credits

Director: Hans Jürgen Pohland.
Screenplay: Chinua Achebe.
Cast: Elizabeth de Toro, Johnny Sekka.
Production company: Francis Oladele per la Calpenny Nigeria Films Ltd/ Film Three (Germania)/ Nigram Corporation (USA).