Tribute to Shadi Abdu Al Salam

Ah Min Hawwà

Oh! God of Woman
by Fattin Abdu Al Wahab
Country: Egypt
Year: 1962
Duration: 93'

Amira, a girl with an aggressive character, lives in a village on her grandfather Amin's estate. One day the veterinarian Hasan arrives on the estate and falls in love with her. After various tantrums and tricks played by the girl, the two get married. Hasan thinks that he will be able to live with Amira despite her shrewish character. The girl's behavior doesn't change after the marriage, but in the end Hasan manages to tame her.

"The Taming of the Shrew is the first Shakespeare play to become a talking movie, it was directed by Sam Taylor in 1929 and starred Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pickford in her last appearance […] After two other transpositions, one Hispano-French and another Soviet, the Egyptian Ah min haww` was produced. Whereas the first three faithfully reenacted the epoch and location of the original Shakespearian text, Fattin Abdu Al Wahab set his movie in contemporary times, thus producing one of the best Egyptian comic films" (Samir Farid, Shakespearian Theatrical Texts in Cinema, 1981).


film director

Fattin Abdu Al Wahab

Fattin Abdu Al Wahab (Dumiyat, Egypt, 1913 - Beirut, 1972) is the brother of the actor Siraj Munir and the director Hasan Abdu Al Wahab. Before getting his start as a director, he was a movie critic and director's assistant.<


Nadia (1949), Abidu al mal (Gli schiavi del denaro, 1953), Hukmu Qaraqosh (Il regno di Qaraqosh, 1953), Al anisa Hanafi (Signorina Hanafi, 1954), Isma'il Yasin fi al giaiysh (Isma'il Yasin nell'esercito, 1955), Isma'il Yasin fi al polis (Isma'il Yasin nella polizia, 1956), Ibnu Hamido (Il figlio di Hamido, 1957), Isma'il Yasin fi al usttul (Isma'il Yasin in marina, 1957), Isma'il Yasin fi polis harbi (Isma'il Yasin nella polizia militare, 1958), Al akhu al kabir (Il fratello maggiore, 1958), Isma'il Yasin fi al taiyaran (Isma'il Yasin in aviazione, 1959), Isma'il Yasin fi polis sirri (Isma'il Yasin nella polizia segreta, 1959), Al banat wa al saif (Le ragazze e l'state, film a episodi, co-regia Salah Abu Seif e Izzuddin Zul Fiqar, 1960), Al zawgia raqam 13 (La moglie numero 13, 1962), Ah min hawwà (Oh! Dio della donna, 1962), Arusu al Nil (La sposa del Nilo, 1963), An wa huwa wa hiya (Io, lui e lei, 1964), Taridu al firdaus (Cacciato dal paradiso, 1965), Thalathat lussus (Tre ladri, film a episodi, co-regia Hasan Al Imam e Kamal Al Sheikh, 1966), Mirati mudir amm (Mia moglie è direttore generale, 1966), Ifrit mirati (Il fantasma di mia moglie, 1968), Nuss sa'at gawaz (Mezz'ora di matrimonio, 1969), Khattib mama (Il fidanzato di mia madre, 1971), Funduqu al sa'ada (L'albergo della felicità, 1971), Adwa'u al madina (Luci della città, 1972).


& Credits

Director: Fattin Abdu Al Wahab.
Plot: da La bisbetica domata di William Shakespeare.
Sceneggiatura e dialoghi: Mohammad Abu Yusuf.
Director of photography: Ali Hasan.
Scenografia e costumi: Abbas Hilmi.
Editor: Wal` Salahu Al Din.
Sound: Yusuf Safar.
Music: Ali Isma'il.
Cast and characters: Lubna Abdu Al Aziz (Amira), Rushdi Abadha (Hasan), Husein Riyad (Amin), Madiha Salem, Aziza Hilmi, Husein Isma'il, Huda Farid.
Production company and Italian distribution: Al Arabiyya Cinematografica.